Tonight, starting at 7pm CST, I will be once again hosting a community multiplayer night! Starting off the night with something new, I have bought Sanctum this weekend since it is 75% off on Steam (it's still on sale!) which has 4 player co-op. The following games for the night will include the usual selection of Tribes Ascend, L4D2, TF2, etc. If you are interested in joining me for any of these games, leave a comment with your Steam name and what game you want in, and I will guarantee you a spot for said game.

Afterwards, starting at 10pm CST, Joseph will be hosting another Cocktail Time LIVE with guests Nick & Bob.

WHAT: Community Night & Cocktail Time LIVE

WHERE: At our live page HERE!

WHEN: 7pm CST - Community Night | 10pm CST - Cocktail Time


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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I'd like to get in on either Killing Floor or Team Fortress 2, if we happen to play those tonight.
    Steam: Psychotic Bovine

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I'm down for some good ol' Sanctum, Tribes, and TF2, and I'll be around if you need to fill up spots in L4D2.

    Steam: smn_fly/Lone Lieutenant Fly

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I'll have to give this game a look see. If Killing Floor, Day of Defeat or L4D goes down, I'm totally there

    Steam Name: TheAbsurdNerd

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I'd be up for some Tribes, Killing Floor (if played) and L4D2 (if theres space)

    Steam Name: ChrispeeFryz/Emannikufesin