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Capcom's Vice President Christian Svensson has decided to address the present issue of on-disc DLC that has dragged the company's public image through the dirt. The company has come under constant fire from fans in the last few years thanks to unpopular business practices revolving around re-releases, DLC and, most recently disc locked content.
The issue came to a head when it was revealed that Capcom's Street Fighter X Tekken had 12 characters locked on the game's disc. Capcom's claims that the characters were incomplete were subsequently shot down after hackers soon found that the locked characters were actually complete and playable. This stirred up a sea of complaints aimed at Capcom for withholding content for profit. Svensson had this to say about on-disc DLC on the Capcom-Unity boards:
Hey guys,
We've been getting several questions, here and elsewhere about the future of on-disc DLC.
We would like to assure you that we have been listening to your comments and as such have begun the process of re-evaluating how such additional game content is delivered in the future. As this process has only just commenced in the past month or so, there will be some titles, where development began some time ago and that are scheduled for release in the coming months, for which we are unable to make changes to the way some of their post release content is delivered.
One such title is Dragon’s Dogma, where the decision to include some additional (but not all planned additional) game content for the game on disc was made at the beginning of the game’s development cycle as at the time this was determined to be the most efficient way of ensuring certain content was made available. Owners of Dragon’s Dogma will be able to further their gameplay experience with the release of additional quests, weapons and other items in the months following the game going on sale.
Dragon’s Dogma’s post-launch content will extend the lifespan of a title that already offers around 30-40 hours of gameplay by following the main story thread, but if a player was to complete all the side quests Dragon’s Dogma ships with, that increases to around 100 hours. Players will also be able to add to the stock of 100s of weapons and 1,000s of customization options to create not only their ideally equipped, but also their most elaborately designed character.
Just wanted people to know in advance the whys, wherefores and where we're going in the future. You are being heard. Thanks.
So there you have it. Dragon's Dogma, as well as some other titles, will still have disc locked content and Capcom will be taking a harder look at their unpopular on-disc DLC strategy for future releases. Now of course "re-evaluating" doesn't necessarily mean Capcom will stop their DLC shenanigans. This could just mean that they could cut content completely out of the disc and sell it at a later date, thereby addressing the "on-disc" part of the issue.
We'll see what comes of this "re-evaluation" in the coming months but I still think it's going to take quite some time before Capcom manages to repair what's left of its broken image.
12 years, 10 months ago
I just saw a pig fly, it made me happy.
12 years, 10 months ago
I am buying it. If they say 100 plus hours in a game like this, it means likely 200 plus hours for me. I get so much bang for my buck with open world games like Dragon's Dogma.
12 years, 10 months ago
"As this process has only just commenced in the past month or so"
Yeah, screw you Capcom. You're only saying it now since you got caught doing it so much. The VS. mode in RE5 was on disc. You just paid for a 2 meg unlock. And then the whole "RE5 Gold fiasco" with "oh, we can't implement PS Move in it. That's too hard." If Quantic Dream can do it, there's no reason you can't. Not to mention all the fighters on Marvel Vs. Capcom being implemented just for a rerelease.
12 years, 10 months ago
Can't trust them as far as you can throw em.
12 years, 10 months ago
"One such title is Dragon’s Dogma, where the decision to include some additional (but not all planned additional) game content for the game on disc was made at the beginning of the game’s development cycle as at the time this was determined to be the most efficient way of ensuring certain content was made available."
I don't quite get this, how is including finished content on the disc (to be used as future DLC) supposed to ensure that content is made available? what? Am I reading something wrong here, or misunderstanding something? Are they not contradicting themselves within one sentence :|
wouldn't the most efficient way to ensure that we get content on the disk be to, y'know, not lock us out of it?
12 years, 10 months ago
Does anybody miss the days when you could get full content on the disc/download instead of all this DLC bullshit? I sure as hell do
12 years, 10 months ago
They don't get it. It's not just the on disk DLC (even though, still, fuck em for that), it's the money grabbing of the DLC and the money grabbing of the "Super ultra mega combo bonus elite" rereleases that are pissing gamers off. We're pissed because Capcom puts out good games and yet they're hell bent on limiting themselves because DLC is profitable and so they'll intentionally make the game not as complete so they can release what they took out later on for $5.
12 years, 10 months ago
Give these people an inch, they'll take 8 miles.
12 years, 10 months ago
So, I pay $60 for 30 hours of gameplay, and then I have to pay for more content that is already on the game disc that I own. Sorry, Capcom, but there are other rpgs that respect me as a consumer.
12 years, 10 months ago
Thing like this make me appreciate Dark Souls more =p. Hidetaka Miyazaki said something ( i cant remember exactly what) about not having any DLC for dark souls because he wasnt his games to be complete when you buy it.
I dont play fighting games, but paying 5 or 10 bucks for a couple of junky fighters on a 60 dollar game seems just bat shit insane.
12 years, 10 months ago
Doesnt mean shit....for all we know they are just trying to calm ppl down, but still do the same shit with the next game. Or as Tim said, just leave out content on the disc and make u download it day 1 or week 1 or whatever....You can't trust Capcom, not until there are new ppl running the place.
12 years, 10 months ago
Ya right.
12 years, 10 months ago
I wouldn't mind if they did on-disc DLC if the cost of the actual game reflected that. to me, if you're going to do this, then sell the game at a cheaper price. for instance, sell the game at $40 and have $20 worth of extra content that you can decide if you want to have or not. for instance, let's say i don't care about mercenaries mode in RE5 but i do want online co-op. i can decide NOT to purchase mercinaries mode and buy co-op and end up saving a little money.
a system like this could help companies decide what gamers actually want in their games by what gets purchased the most and what doesn't.
Though this will never happen cause a company would want to nickle and dime you for everything you got or will short change you on what's on the actual disk so you're forced to buy, lets say, the actual ending of the game.