I was wrong.  Just plain wrong.  Several weeks out of the gate with Modern Warfare 3 I was all but convinced I knew what the plot of the sequel to Black Ops was going to be: a tale in the 1970s that would follow game stars Mason, Hudson and Weaver being hunted by the CIA and MI-6 as detailed in an intel package you could find toward the end of the game.  So, color me surprised when I tuned in this evening to learn that, not only is the game set outside the Cold War era, it is also set in the year 2025, a whole lifetime after we last left Treyarch's latest.  It may be a small thing to most people but, for me, I have a weakness for stories involving Cold War fiction and, as such, I particularly enjoyed Black Ops.

What I was even more wrong about though was that I would be interested in the next title in the series.  The trailer, narrated by a geriatric Frank Woods (costar to Mason who supposedly burned to death in Black Ops) depicts a future in which America's automated and unmanned weapons of tomorrow have been taken control of by an unnamed enemy and is turning them against us.  In it we see a burning Los Angeles besieged by walking mechs and armed drones, a main character who looks quite a bit like Mason and, most intriguingly, combat against drones on horseback.

For now, at least, the game actually looks kinda fun.  I'm certain we'll find out more though at E3.  Until then, enjoy the trailer.


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    Victus Unus
    12 years, 9 months ago

    It looks 'cool', but thats because is a video game trailer. But all I see is the same old CoD stuff with a new skin. Maybe they'll shake things up with adding drivable vehicles in MP. But then it will just make me want a BF: 2142 sequel.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Who knew that in the future, we'd be riding horses?

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Does this mean what I think it means? Robotic Zombies?

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I used to be an avid CoD fan and constantly played the multiplayer, After the last few games I kept saying I don't want to buy this franchise again. I'm not sure whether they are really good at marketing or this campaign looks kinda fun either way looks like I am buying another title from these guys. :)

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Well I wasn't expecting that as a sequel to a story set in the Cold War... Sort of like the connection between Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood and Call of Juarez: the Cartel. That aside, I agree with Victus. I'm guessing an old car with a new coat of paint.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Hmm. looks like a first person interpretation of GRAW. minus the tactical maneuvers

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    maybe instead of the new game involving the US and (insert rival super power) we can just have activision Vs. EA. Instead of control the flag you will have control and ruin the IP. nah fuck it lets have robots, ponies and ninjas .............

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    This seems more near future than full on sci-fi but hey at least it is something different for the series.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I'm a skeptic of the whole 'just a hint of the future' thing, but that doesn't mean I don't support my beloved Treyarch as they traverse yet another unexpected adventure. However, the 'just a hint' part is rather subtle and more implied than anything else, so the trailer has been getting torn apart by devout Call of Duty fans for straying from the exact same formula it's been stuck with since the first integration of Modern Warfare.

    Ironic, isn't it? Just when the gaming world was starting to feel the fatigue of playing the same game over and over again, they throw insults at the first sight of the change they've been asking for. This is such a delightful industry.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Can't wait to play some multiplayer with friends. Also, they might as well just call it Call of Duty : Black Ops 2 X Metal Gear.

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    Aged Milk
    12 years, 9 months ago

    What's wrong with just creating a new IP again? Why does this need to be associated with Black Ops? Modern/Future isn't a direction I wanted to see the trend for modern shooters go. Dystopian sci-fi stories have been done to death lately and it doesn't really look like they're bringing anything new to the table... so what's the point again?

    Excuse me while I go back to playing Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Why not just call it "Future Warfare"?

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    Rob K
    12 years, 9 months ago

    Honestly, that trailer seemed pretty mediocre, a lot of the effects seemed choppy... but its also very early footage, so I can let that go.

    Personally, I think this new setting is interesting (or at least new, the last 3 CoD games were brutally redundant in gameplay terms), and if they can reveal some fun new multiplayer mechanics and a lot of cool guns, I might just pick this up.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I wish you wouldn't use the term 'sci-fi', to me that implies aliens and or space/ships. That's what I thought when I saw your title of this article. 2025 is almost a modern era game, the very near future, not sci-fi.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    http://www.giantbomb.com/news/lets-talk-about-the-future-of-call-of-duty/4120/ some more details, looks like Call of duty is sort of evolving out of it's ultra scripted linear corridor rollercoaster ride to something a little more substantial as far as choice and branching storylines go, as well as a near future setting with some high tech stuff that are just military-concepts today.
    Also there are squad command RTS style it sounds like, that could be cool.
    It still looks like a CoD game though, so I wanna hear peoples opinions on enemy encounters and battle scenarious to see if they've evolved there, it's been my main gripe with the CoD franchise, all chaos and kitchen sink shooting gallery.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Anyone else waiting for snake to POPULAR out and say "WAR...HAS CHANGED"?

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    The story maybe different, but I'm not convinced that there is any new formula to CoD this time. I need to see some gameplay before I can say they are doing something new with the franchise.

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    12 years, 9 months ago


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    Kevin Schnaubelt
    12 years, 9 months ago

    The scene with the horses is actualy from a level that takes place in 1980. You can see that its a russian hind flying overhead. What that entails in a mission involving the real life CIA operatives who assisted Osama Bin Laden and his rebels against russian invasion.

    TBH this game just looks plain fun. Also you should prob. report in the announced gameplay details. The campaign is suppose to have open world areas with side quests esc objectives, all the while being able to give commands to squad mates. (i heard with the d pad, like in the first mass effect). Also its supose to have an RTS mode were you can play entirely in overhead view, or take commands of any vehicle at any time.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    To be fair part of the game at least will still take place in the Cold War, Alex Mason shall lead that part of the game which apparently explains the bad guy who takes control of America's drones. The latter part will follow Alex's son