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It's not THAT much but it's free and you can probably get them just by doing stuff you usually do. There's three categories you'll have to complete tasks in, so here they are...
This will be the easiest category for everyone to check off.
If you got a Kinect, play 2 hours of a game in the month of April.
If you play multiplayer, play 10 hours in the month of April.
If you don't want to do either of those, Spend 800 points on game related materials.
(I'd suggest FEZ as it comes out next week and is only 800 points)
Not that you've crossed that off your list, here's the next one
Spend 10 hours watching streaming entertainment off of approved apps. This includes Netflix, Crackle, Last FM, Hulu Plus. I'd assume most of you guys probably do that already in a month so this doesn't seem too difficult.
If you don't want to however, you can spend 400 points on movie/tv related purchases. I wouldn't though.
This will be the one we all cringe about. Spend an hour on Xbox's Social Media like...
Facebook and Video Kinect.
ERG, but before you all start crying to your momma's about how unfair this is...
You can also do YouTube. So an hour on YouTube using Xbox, that's not too bad. It's definitely doable.
So get cracking on your free 300 points. I'm already halfway there.
Oh, also I pretty sure this is just limited to Xbox Live Gold members because the apps probably require gold. So those without, you're probably SOL otherwise. Sorry. Now you can cry to your momma's.
**Note: Cookiemonster points out you have to be signed up for Xbox Rewards to get credit**
Here's the official page if you want to read the fine print - Triple Play Offer
12 years, 11 months ago
youtube counts as social? thats alot of hoops to jump through for mooninite bucks. If theres a way its tracked so i can see how much ive done i'll do it....
12 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, this would just be mean if it were an April fools gag.
12 years, 11 months ago
this will all happen in two days for me... netflix, resident evil:ORC, and an hour on youtube...? totally doable.
12 years, 11 months ago
anyone attempting this, make sure you are signed up for xbox rewards. dont think anything will count unless you are
12 years, 11 months ago
So I took track of the amount of hours I used HBO GO, YouTube and the hours I played online. So far, I haven't received any points but I read the terms and conditions and if you do complete the Triple Play, you should receive your 300 MSP no later than May 15.