It's that time again, everyone. Saddle up and take off your pants, it's time to read some forum posts.

Waking Mars
QualityBeats gives us his look at, in his words, "A puzzle-laden adventure that trades rockets for a lesson in ecology."
Cry of Fear review
My favorite cheating device post-2000, ActionReplay delves deep into the Half Life mod making people wet themselves this week.
Mass Effect 3 Superthread
I love Mass Effect. A lot of people love Mass Effect. The new one came out this week, and was undoubtedly one of the biggest releases this year. Go check out this thread to see how people are responding to the game, and leave your own thoughts.
Molyneux left Lionhead
A bit of news not posted on the site this week, prominent industry man Peter Molyneux left Lionhead Studios this week. I thought that was interesting.
Members' YouTube Videos
The 4Player Podcast community is a collection of strange people that all happen to like video games. Sometimes, these people take to making their own videos for YouTube, and this is what ensues. Enjoy.


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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I always liked GameShark better.