David & Chris Davis have a dinner at Mighty Fine Burger to talk about they don't like high fantasy. Also on the plate, Mass Effect, Star Wars, and Space Marine.

I apologize beforehand about my noisy eating habits. I will work on it for future shows.

Recorded March 21st, 2012.
Dinner Time 081 – Not So Big into High Fantasy - [download]

Credits: Xophen for the new Logo [Contribute Here]

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    Awesome. Can't wait to listen!

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    David, you need to find people with more taste then this Chris guy.

    Generalizing the Good vs Evil thing in games, never works since every game ever made has a "Good" and "Evil" side.

    Also, he dislikes fantasy; thats what I call a sad existence. I bet he is a FPS freak, Call of Duty or some crap.