Tim and David discuss the high points and low points for the multiplayer iteration in the Resident Evil franchise. Is there any reason to play this game? Are there any redeeming qualities? How about the RE Lore? It's all for you here.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Volume 1 - [download]


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    12 years, 11 months ago

    Iono david, i think u just like co-op games wayyyyyy too much. I feel to really get tims point of view on certain issues, u should try playing the game solo( more than the 2 levels u already did) as well as do multiplayer with random ppl. There is just a lot of "crap" in this game mechanics wise as well as story/characters. Lets be honest if you have never played RE2 u wont know what the fuck was going on, or ever care about these characters and what they were doing....

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    can you see yourself coming back to it again and playing through it often?

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    From watching the feed play, I think Operation Raccoon City is a step in the right direction. It just needs more fine tuning. This genre is getting close to the experience, but just not quite.

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    Ehhh. I think this game wasn't really meant to be traditional RE style, I think it was meant to be a kind of L4D spin-off type of RE, and judging it as if it were meant to be traditional RE wouldn't be giving the game justice.

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    just finished this game a few hours ago. haven't yet played multiplayer. so this is just from a single-player campaign perspective.
    the AI, for starters, is terrible. at one point, i had to do half a mission by myself because the other characters wouldn't follow me. and don't get me started on the boss fights, they are no help whatsoever. during the double tyrant bossfight, my teammates kept dying and finally, i just had to say "fuck it" and leave them so that i wouldn't die. along with always dying, they never heal themselves or myself which was a pain in my ass.
    the upgrades for each class were kind of ehh, i mean, the antivirus spray and first aid spray upgrades where you can hold extra is kind of nice, but if you die, then you lose everything you picked up anyway.
    the basic mechanics of the game are alright. close quarters combat was better than i expected, it would have helped if itforced the zombies back a little. my biggest peeve is reviving teammates, as mentioned in the recording, i spent sooo much time trying to find my weapon after i lost it trying to revive a teammate, which happened constantly.
    but after dying a bajillion times, because i pretty much finished the game by myself, i came to the realization that this games is only meant to be a multiplayer game. period.

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    Nick Henderson
    12 years, 11 months ago

    Such a pity. I just hope this isn't used as an argument against publishers trusting new studios with established IP. There is still so many good things that can come of that kind of arrangement. I think Slant 6 had the right idea but something happened along the way to hold this game back.

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    I played it, and I havent had that many issues as you guys have, while I do agree this game could have used alot of polish, I think the Idea of it is actually Well worth investing in, Sadly people dont look at potential of a game and trashed this title, and now it will be a miracle if Capcom gives this another shot. and this is why we get so many rehashes these days is because people trash stuff that strays too far from the original. Just like they did with Silent Hill Downpour, it wasnt a Bad game, but people trashed it for not being "Silent Hill" enough.

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    4PP 265: The Swimming Oil Show - 4Player Podcast
    12 years, 11 months ago

    [...] Impressions: (LOOK FOR AUDIBLE IMPRESSIONS ON ITUNES!) Audible Impressions – Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Vol.1 Audible Impressions – Silent Hill Downpour Vol. 1 Audible Impressions – Blades of Time [...]

  • Godofspookiness Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    Good show, I was really hoping this game would be great. Such a shame, but I'd still like to give it a shot when it's dirt cheap.