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You know, as excited as I am to see Ken Levine's next game I get more wary of it every single time a new trailer arrives. Sure, Irrational Game's work on Bioshock Infinite looks exceptional but the escalation of enemies in each subsequent trailer has made me worry about whether the team has gone around the bend with the game. Relentless giant owl prison guards? A populace of psychotic, extremist patriots running a city that flies, armed with attack zeppelins? Huge mechanical men that throw NPCs and horses at the player? Mecha George Washingtons that hunt the player unendingly? Couple all of that with a woman you're trying to rescue that has the ability to rip apart the fabric of time and space but does not know the extent of her control thereof. Yea, THAT'S a mission I'd sign up for.
Irrational doesn't seem to care for protagonist Booker DeWitt though as they've sadistically added yet another Heavy Hitter boss character to the mix: the Boys of Silence. Probably the creepiest character so far, the Boys function as mobile security cameras that, while blind, have exceptional hearing. Players do have the option of avoiding combat with them by trying to sneak around them but they must be nearly silent in doing so.
12 years, 10 months ago
Why does this remind me of Pyramid Head?
12 years, 10 months ago
Makes me think of those weird heat detector guys or whatever from the Chronicles of Riddick movie. lol