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This week's Famitsu has revealed that Bayonetta will be a pre-order bonus for Platinum Game's upcoming beat em' up Anarchy Reigns. Considering the presence of Madworld's Jack, the inclusion of Bayonetta shouldn't come as much of surprise to anyone. As for how she plays the picture of the Famitsu article below should prove that she stays true to her near-naked hair fist fighting style. Unfortunately there are no videos of her in motion just yet but after this announcement I'm sure we'll be seeing her character trailer very soon. Keep an eye out.
The addition of Bayonetta does make me wonder if other characters from Platinum will be making an appearance. At this moment Platinum Game's may only have four games to choose from but I'd love to see characters like Jeanne or Vanquish's Sam Gideon join the roster. Anarchy Reigns will be released in North America on July 3rd for the Xbox 360 and PS3.
UPDATE: Sure enough Platinum Games just hosted a very brief live show this morning to introduce Bayonetta's trailer as well as talk about some of the modes the game will have, the soundtrack, and Kamiya's angry twitter posts.
- Bayonetta is a day-one bonus in Japan. She will be available in the West. Details coming soon.
- Deathmatch (4 player all for themselves)
- Team Deathmatch
- Survival Mode (Fight waves of enemies cooperatively)
- Cage Match (1v1)
- Death Ball (Sports inspired 4×4 gameplay)
- Team battles (Class based team deathmatch with a twist)
- Battle Royal (16 players Versus. Total Anarchy.)
- Don’t make @pg_kamiya’s mad. Read his old tweets on Twilog.
- The Blacker Baron introduced Days of Old from the Anarchy Reigns soundtrack. Performed by Vstylez.
The entire stream can be viewed at the Platinum Game's blog.
13 years ago
That's pretty awesome, looking forward to the announcement trailer.
13 years ago
PLATINUUUUUUUM!! What are you DOING?! You'd get a lot more people to buy your game if you had Bayonetta in there in the first place. Not as some pre-order bonus. There might be a ton of people who do not think this game is worth 60 dollars and sdjabasfjsdbfaksdf. I really hope Platinum changes this or it's at least not true because otherwise, they've succumbed to petty marketing tactics like so many other developers. Or maybe it's SEGA's fault. Who knows.
13 years ago
I'm now about 20% more excited for this game, and I'd love Sam from Vanquish to maker an appearance too, with his powerslides and super fast robot punches
13 years ago
Loved Brad's reaction last night when he first heard this in chat.
13 years ago
I'll have to agree with Pokop, they should have her in the game in the first place. Regardless, this will be bought on the first day it comes out!
13 years ago
Meh, I've been looking at Anarchy Reigns as a kind of spiritual successor to Madworld, what with Jack, Mathilda, Blacker Baron, Big Bull, and a character named Leo all being in it. Bayonetta being in it feels kind of weird.
Well she probably won't show up in the story, so I guess it's cool. Add me to the list of people that wants Sam Gideon to show up.
13 years ago
Sounds good!
13 years ago
13 years ago
So, does available in the west mean that she'll be in the game regardless of pre-order for us or..? Anyway, the trailer looks cool; it seems like she's been taken straight out of her own game and placed here. Awesome!
13 years ago
Shut up and take my money. ♥
13 years ago
Platinum games a worth supporting. Pre-order bonus like this are incentive for people to buy the game new. If that means more money for a less when know developer I'm all for it.
13 years ago
I wanna see God Hand Gene!! It only makes sense he'd be in a game like this.