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13 years ago
Wooooaahhh...4pp got a review copy?
I am sooo there...
13 years ago
I might pop in. I'm planning on picking it up at release, and have done fairly well being on somewhat of a media blackout, so we'll see.
13 years ago
Can't wait. Hopefully this first Final Fantasy I'll be picking up in years.
13 years ago
13 years ago
Don't care how many "fans" hate the game, I'm getting it.
13 years ago
Not really a fan of 13, but this is good news. I'll be there.
13 years ago
They should get a review copy of Twisted Metal because Brad is like it's biggest supporter.
13 years ago
Mixed feelings here, wondering if watching will ruin my chances of ever forcing myself to finish FF13, or if it will encourage me to actually finish that game. I've gotten quite bad at *finishing* games lately. I'm always pouncing on new stuff though.
13 years ago
13 years ago
I hate Moogles.
13 years ago
meh. Didn't like 13, so don't really care for 13-2. From what I heard there are only 2 human characters. That kingdom hearts looking dude and lightnings sister. Also heard the story is worst than 13, which is surprising seeing as 13 had a confusing ass story. I don't know it might be more "open world" now, but combat and characters are meh for me.
13 years ago
4pp going pro
13 years ago
13 years ago
I trust 4pp to give an honest review even if they are being pro'd by squenix now. <3
13 years ago
I pre-ordered this game in hopes that it will redeem 13, much like 10-2 redeemed 10 for me.
Besides that, I'm glad that 4PP is moving up in the ranks, I hope they will get more and more review copies of future games and become super awesome.
13 years ago
Nice, congratulations guys. Even though the state of final fantasy these days isn't as magnificent as it used to be, getting a review copy for one is still a pretty big deal for a grass roots review site like yours.
13 years ago
Wow that's cool
13 years ago
congrats to 4PP getting a review copy. In addition to this, I have a couple of questions. When will the actual review go up? I know review copies are sent out early, so did David and nolan or whoever else that will review the game have enough time to digest the game for review, or will this be played from beginning on this date?
13 years ago
Woo congrats guys of getting a review copy of this caliber. Getting one from SE is one big deal. I'll try to drop by if I have the chance. Have fun David and Nolan!
13 years ago
Awesome, I have class that night till 1am! Didn't really bother with FF13 at all mainly because everything I saw of it and heard of it just didn't do it for me. Hell I even thought what little I heard of the music was crappy and out of place. 13-2 doesn't seem to have made many changes looking at the aesthetics alone.
13 years ago
Awesome news! You guys got a review copy! The game is still sh*t, but hey! It's a start.
13 years ago
Funny. This morning the whole idea of "Review Copies" of games came to my mind, for some unearthly reason.