Glitches and bugs are a fact of life these days in games and there's no system or game that's not susceptible to them.  It seems that, unfortunately, Skyward Sword is no exception to this as it was revealed today that a large, game-ending bug can be found that can render your save file unusable.  This would force you to either load up an earlier one if not forcing you to completely restart the game.

The glitch appears during the "Song of the Hero" quest and will ruin your save file if you complete tasks in a particular order.  If you complete the desert portion of the quest and speak to Golo the Goron twice before heading off to either the volcanic or forest areas the glitch will occur.  However, Nintendo released a statement about a couple workarounds that you can perform to avoid this nasty bug.

    • Do not talk to Golo AFTER completing the Thunder Dragon event.
    • Collect the Water and Fire Dragon songs events before tackling the Thunder Dragon event.

While this particular bug is one that can be easily avoided Nintendo did not confirm whether they will be issuing a patch for the game.  Given the company's online system it is (sadly) fair to suggest that they won't.  What I suspect they will do is something they've done in the past: offer a voluntary disc-swap program like what they did with Super Paper Mario in Europe in 2007.

We'll keep you apprised if any updates arise.


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    13 years, 2 months ago

    damn! that is something that needs to patched. Thanks for the tip, i'll make sure my mom gets through that glitch safely.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Oh wow... I am glad that didn't happen to me. It's better for the player to unlock the Thunder Dragon first, but with that glitch... I unlocked him first, but I did not talk to Golo until I finish all the dragons. This caused no bug for me.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Oh boy, it's the Twilight Princess glitch all over again, which was similar to the way if you didn't do things in a certain order, your entire save was ruined. Cmon Nintendo, clean up your act.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Wow, sounds like some gamers will get their hearts broken.

    Hope Brad and co. are aware of this glitch, otherwise it's going to suck for them.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Oh god, I'm on this exact section of the game. Welp, guess It's a good thing I'm learning about it now, before I hurt my save.
    Anyway, didn't the same thing happen with Metroid Other M? Crazy that the last 2 big Nintendo developed Wii games would suffer from such gamebreaking glitches, since Nintendo games other wise have gratuitous amounts of polish.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    They really should patch this, pretty big glitch.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    im soo scared this will happen to me.