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The following is a special message from the fine folks here at 4Player Tower.
Hey guys. As you are well aware, in addition to being a source for important news about the gaming industry and thought provoking, in-depth discussions thereof we here at 4Player run a live stream almost every night. During these streams we bring you the antics of Brad, David and many more as they plow their way through games as far back as the 8-bit era and as recent a release as this week. It is easily the most popular segment we have here and as long as you guys keep watching we'll do our best to keep you entertained.
But there is one person that doesn't like it and wants to ruin it for everyone...
Look at the image below. Ah, the Capitol in Washington D.C. The site of democracy in action where our leaders strive to make our lives easier and to return the United States to the position of the best nation on Earth.
But wait, look closer...
No, even closer...
You recognize that guy? That's motherfucking Destro, an illegal arms dealer and one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. And who does he work for?
That's right. That's Cobra Commander, the leader of Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world. This guy is a total dick and loves to kick puppies and insult your mothers. But if there's one thing he loves even more than making your lives miserable it's ruining your freedom of speech and censoring everything in sight.
For the uninformed who either don't pay attention to politics or perhaps don't live in the US let me rewind the clock a few weeks. On October 26th House Representative for Texas Lamar Smith introduced a bill to the senate: H.R.3261, otherwise known as the Stop Online Piracy Act. While seemingly innocent, this bill is really something designed to hurt you, me and pretty much everyone who ever wants to use the internet.
Looks normal right? Well, using modern day photo enhancement technology we can reveal the TRUE source of the bill.
AH HA! THERE'S your proof that this was introduced by a congressman under supreme duress as there's simply no way a member of the United States government would want to infringe on our rights... right?
The Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) is a bill designed specifically to challenge online piracy and illegal streaming of copyrighted content. It's designed with a broad, good goal but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The language of the bill gives corporations and copyright holders unprecedented power to police and censor websites for having what they deem copyrighted content. Simply put, the wording of the bill is so powerful and vague that, not only could sites like ours get fined $2,500 and potentially receive 5 years in prison for doing our streams, we could be completely shut down as a whole!
This bill is backed by major corporations including the following:
- The Motion Picture Association of America
- The Recording Industry Association of America
- Viacom
- Time Warner
- Comcast
- Nintendo (!)
- Electronic Arts (!)
- Sony (!)
Don't believe me that this is a Cobra trap? Watch this informative video about the devastating potential of SOPA.
PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
As you can see, this legislation could potentially destroy not just us, but every single major gaming site you've ever heard of. Not convinced? Destructoid's own Jim Sterling took up the topic shortly before Thanksgiving in his usual exuberant manner.
Many freedom-loving, anti-censorship organizations and corporations have come out against the bill, some of whom you may have heard of.
- The Electronic Frontiers Foundation
- Yahoo
- Kaspersky
- The Business Software Association
- Mozilla
- Zynga
These and more are willing to step up and say that SOPA is not only one of the most threatening bills ever conceived of in regards to the internet, it is also simply the wrong direction to go in when trying to combat piracy. Corporations already have strong tools like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the PRO-IP Actthat get the job done but they clearly want more power. That's Cobra's game.
So what can you do to help us out? Well, quite a lot actually. On December 15th the House Judiciary Committee will be holding the first markup for SOPA which will be followed by debates regarding the bill. Here's what you can do:
- Visit to look up your congressional representative and either write or give them a call saying that you don't support SOPA and that they shouldn't either.
- Senator Ron Wyden has opened up a website at where he is offering to filibuster the shit out of SOPA. Simply sign up with your name, address and email and he will read your name along with over 100k others.
- Spread the word!
The way this law is written 4Player, along with major sites like Youtube, IGN, Kotaku, Joystiq, Destructoid and countless others are liable for infringement and could be completely shut down. We want to continue bringing you guys content and entertaining you but if this bill passes we may not be able to anymore.
Come, help us fight the mind-controlled men and women in congress who support this dastardly plan and stop Cobra Commander. If SOPA passes then I fear that there may be nothing to stop Cobra from taking over the world and believe me when I say that I don't want to look up up into the night sky and see this every goddamn time.
13 years, 1 month ago
Rally together friends! Let this vile blackness see not the light of day! Purge this fiend from the world as you would purge excrement from your overinflated stomach; cast this abomination into OBLIVION
13 years, 1 month ago
Who Knew 4pp towers was in London!?
13 years, 1 month ago
Already signed up a week or two ago. Curse you Cobra! Where's G.I. Joe when you need him?
13 years, 1 month ago
This may be the straw that breaks the camels back as the passing of this bill will negatively affect millions of people all across the globe. The entertainment industry wants the power of information flow and media distribution back in their hands the way it used to be before the Internet took root. And they have the lobbyists to change policy in Washington to suit their favor where as regular people do not.
If this bill passes it will be a declaration of war and the inception of The War on Information.
13 years, 1 month ago
I love the way 4PP's offices are now supposedly in London :P
13 years, 1 month ago
I'm not from US but fuck it, I'll help
13 years, 1 month ago
I'm not from the US so i'm not entirely sure if there's anything I can do (unless those sites allow me to sign up regardless, i'll check them shortly.)
Still, this is one of the single most fucked up things I have seen. As you say, rather than learning to go with the flow of a world that is instantly and completely connected by the internet, these companies are actually trying to pull our progress BACK through time to a time when they actually controlled the information we had.
It may sound dramatic but on some level this is actually detrimental to all of mankind's progress since the creation of computers.
In the words of the wisest man I can think of. ''YOU!! SHALL NOT!! PASS!! This Bill.''
Direct quote, right there.
13 years, 1 month ago
Isn't this an attack on one's liberty? Funny that it is coming from the one country who is known for it. A pity really....
13 years, 1 month ago
I only clicked it because I though it said SOAP! Man, fuck soap.
No, but seriously, I will do what I can!
13 years, 1 month ago
Did this quite a while ago though I live in Canada. Hope more people help.
13 years, 1 month ago
do you guys seriously have a tower? im so confused...
13 years, 1 month ago
I'll help support as long as Chris promises to stop using so many damn meme pictures in his posts. ;)
13 years, 1 month ago
I doubt this'll get passed, but I ain't risking it.
13 years, 1 month ago
Even if you don't live in the US you can still petition against this. Canadian and signed!
13 years, 1 month ago
I am working on a degree in this field. If this passes, I'll need to get another job. Which means back to school and less money to taxes. It's strange to think how the SOPA bill got this far. It's really strange that the entertainment industry wants to self-destruct, and our government wants to lose tax revenue. I need sites like this to make the call on buying games. Without this site, and others for other forms of entertainment, I cannot make a informed decision when buying games. This means I will not buy games, or anything entertainment related. I am not special, I am common. There are millions of cases just like this.
Our government loses taxes, the entertainment industry loses money, computer manufacturers, web businesses, technology schools, and others all lose money. More than any of that, we lose. On top of it all this SOPA doesn't even stop piracy. Crash all of the world wide web and wreck a already weak world economy, truly insane.
13 years, 1 month ago
How do I help? This is, quite honestly, a load of steaming bullshit. We can not let this happen.
I shall join the resistance! :D
13 years, 1 month ago
If something like this were to ever pass not only would it be the end of any free speech on the internet potentially down the road (every individual corporation having the ability to go China and block anything they deem!) but an entire industry of media would be destroyed. Sure, they'd probably set up sites that are backed by corporations but that would mean biased and controlled information and not honest opinions about anything. It would all be spin and propaganda. Last time I checked they didn't have any problem doing that now as it is.
13 years, 1 month ago
Anonymous gonna screw their shit up.
Lol but no seriously, you have all my support and I doubt this bill will pass.
13 years, 1 month ago
Not even Cobra would devise a bill so devious.
I kind of hope this DOES get passed, because all the widespread chaos and revolt due to the fact that YouTube would be shut down would be amusing to watch.
13 years, 1 month ago
13 years, 1 month ago
I don't have a congressional representative, I don't even have a Congress, but I'll certainly try to find someone important-looking in a suit and convince them. This sounds way too broad and not properly thought through.
13 years, 1 month ago
13 years, 1 month ago
I want to help out by adding my name to Ron Wyden's list, but being a Brit, it won't accept my UK address. Is there a facebook group, or something like that, that I could join to show my support and help out?
Other than that, I will definitely be spreading the word.
13 years, 1 month ago
As a filthy foreigner I can't do quite as much, but good post nonetheless. Although, I wasn't expecting some sort of a Destructoid Jimquisition.
13 years, 1 month ago
cool beans, I knew I voted for Wyden for a reason! This is absolutely appalling on their part...Next thing they'll wanna take away my guns. Making calls and shit NOW!
13 years, 1 month ago
I'm in the Philippines, so I can't sign that...but just know that I'm willing to help in any way
13 years, 1 month ago
[...] We Need YOUR Help With A Dastardly Bill In Congress Right Now [...]
13 years, 1 month ago
I cannot stand this kind of bullshit. Everybody seems to be a power-hungry fool. I'll see what I can do to help..
13 years, 1 month ago
Superb article, it had everything. Humor, a clear and present problem, and solutions to deal with said problem.
13 years, 1 month ago
not to sure if anyone in uk can do anything about this but i honestly think that this is bullshit
censoring the internet is taking away a form of free speech basically and im sure that free speech is a right to have
if they take away youtube, facebook or twitter thats just gonna be taking away even more free speech and itll probably cause more trouble than its worth too
if anyone knows how the uk can help please reply to me i want to help but not sure how
13 years, 1 month ago
FUCK congress!!!!!!!!
13 years ago
Watch this and do what ever you can to stop SOPA and PIPA. Free and open internet for everyone.
13 years ago
We'll be ok.....all know not to anger 4Chan
13 years ago
How can I stop SOPA if I don't live in America? D:
13 years ago
Im from mexico, can i still sign or do something to stop SOPA??
13 years ago
There's a movement going in an attempt to rally as many game journalists, sites, and really anyone else with a hand in games to essentially forget everything about E3 until the ESA pulls their support on SOPA and PIPA.
E3 = money for ESA.
ESA supports SOPA and PIPA.
So having people not attend or support E3 unless support of SOPA and PIPA are pulled = less money for the ESA. Help spread it!
13 years ago
But, I am Mexican is there anything I the Non-American viewer can do to help?