Have you ever wondered what would happen if 4PP won two podcast awards? Well it looks like you get a podcast full of Twilight discussion and a terrible new definition for "Black Eyed Peas" experience. If that doesn't tickle your balls then how does some Skyward Sword and Assassin's Creed Revelations sound? Well if that doesn't do it for you... GTFO!

Podcast 247 - [download]


- Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (David/Brad)
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Nick/Nolan)
- Professor Layton and the Last Specter (David)
- The Black Eyed Peas Experience (David)

Have any thoughts or opinions about next weeks community question?

What are your thoughts on the reliance on "Trial & Error" in modern game design? When does it work and when does it ruin an experience?

Send us an email at: Contact@4playerpodcast.com

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This is "The Black Eyed Peas" Experience - Sweat or Pee? What do you think?

The current break music is:
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - "Wet Dreams" - Download Here

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Umm, for the last two podcasts the download link has said "Podcast 245" next to it.

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    download podcast 245???? sweet!!.....wait....245?

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    So much Twilight Talk. Oh geez...

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    Greg the Keg
    13 years, 3 months ago

    So much inane interrupting with nonsense and talking over each other. Oh geez...

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    on the harry potter thing ron was originally going to die, the writer explained why and left it down to the writer being a bit depressed and stressed but then removed it later on. Btw great show :)

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Just downloaded, can't wait to listen to it!

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    You guys were talking over each other more than usual. I think the main disrupters of the show were Nolan and David. I don't know why, but David came across kind of disrespectful on this show, especially when it came to brad trying to tell a story and everyone didn't seen to care. More clarity on the next show and let people talk instead of talking over or interrupting their opinions please

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Great Show!
    Happy Thanksgiving guys!

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Lots of interruptions, and quite a bit of awkward silence, but still a great show!

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Lol did brad do Twilight In A Nutshell? xD

    To nick: hitman deserves another chance. The controls are definitely not the best, but the gameplay is far more rich than any assassins creed game

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    I have to agree about the disruptions it was a little hard to listen to and there were times where I just wanted them to move on already and get to the games. Could do without the random talk about TV shows and movies too because I have no interest in it.

    It wasn't too bad but it seems to be getting worse and worse as they do more shows.

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Great show and happy belated birthday David - thanks for all of the entertainment and insight you provide. I don't think I'll ever look at gaming achievements and milestones the same way again - I'll always think of it as myself racing to catch up to you in some way.

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    I for one like the interruptions and tangents and stuff. It makes it sound more like listening into a conversation than a lecture on gaming news.

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    I got tired of the Asscreed series during Brotherhood... I often lack an online connection to my 360 so I wasn't able to take advantage of MP. I've completed the first two games almost completely, but for some reason I just couldn't get into Brotherhood. However, while I like Ezio, I find that I like Altair more, so I'm curious about Revelations.

    All I do video games wise nowadays is play Skyrim... I feel like there is nothing else going on.

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Jeez if you obviously aren't in the mood to have a discussion, why would you even record a podcast? I mean honestly, this show was terrible, like a classroom full of seven year olds trying to record a podcast. Especially david doesn't seem to give two fucks anymore if the show is turning out good or bad.

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Once you guys got to the meat of the podwich, it was a great cast.

    I liked being kept in the loop with what's going on in y'all's lives, but, to reiterate what everyone else is saying, way too many interruptions.


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    13 years, 3 months ago

    I don't know what all you guys are whining about the little distractions these guys have are very entertaining and it's what makes 4pp a unique show, otherwise they would be a regular boring show with no humor. I definitely do not want that but if that's what you are after there are plenty of other gaming pod casts with people that have zero personality and are very boring to listen to so go check them out instead.

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    Nick Henderson
    13 years, 3 months ago

    I understand the frustrations that some of you are having. Honestly, we are who we are and changing that is easier said than done. We can always listen to constructive criticism but I can't make any promises.

    As far as tangents go... we will continue as usual. We talk about video games but there are other things going on in our lives or in the world that we feel compelled to discuss. If it bothers you, fast forward. Perhaps I will try time-stamping games each week.

    Our show isn't perfect but we love what we do.

    Maybe we should talk over each other more if it will prompt such meaty responses in the comments each week.... over course, i'm joking.... but seriously...

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Apparently no one else ever interrupts anybody ever. Who cares? Realistic conversations are light years beyond any formalities.

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    ALL RIGHT BREAK IT UP! I'll listen to the show and see what all the hubbub is about!

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Hey Podcasters (I don't yet know all your names etc forgive me)

    I'm someone who listened to this show maybe one time before, came here because of the podcast awards, and of course I'm now a reg. listener, just some thoughts of mine about the show from the eyes of someone just coming to it.

    1. The side talk is more than just fine for me because I listen to maybe 2-3 different gaming podcasts hearing "Yeah X game is so good etc" or "I can't wait to play X game etc"
    in three different ways gets mundane, hearing a little side talk here and there breaks that up so I enjoy that a lot.

    2. Interrupting, should get addressed...but not in the way you might think, I actually like the interruptions for the most part, they keep the show fast paced and moving. So for the most part the many different interjections are genuinely funny or interesting to me

    -BUT- Interrupting someones story or point without adding content or transitioning into another point related to the topic is removing content from the show, think if someone offered you a Dark Dexter season than all of a sudden, it gets interrupted in the next ep.

    I know these are sorta hard things to handle overall and may conflict with your personalities.
    Even if it does it doesn't really matter because the overall content is always worth listening to and gives me something to look forward too.


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    13 years, 3 months ago

    Great show as always! Anyway I didn't really notice so many interruptions, & I thought David was interrupting Brad during the Twilight discussion as a joke, I was laughing my head off because of it. Just saying..
    Also one of the main points you guys made I agree with is that annual games work for series like Assassin's Creed, but I seriously don't see how they can make an entirely new, huge universe with deep lore, a good setting and well written characters for an annual Final Fantasy game. Its like trying to imagine them creating the world of Spira in FFX within a year, I just don't think a world so rich with history lore & characters can be conceived and then a game created around it can be made in such a short time! (I'm a bit angry, I was disappointed with FFXIII myself & before that FF was my favourite game series of all time T_T)

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    I'll just say in the face of the recent harsh criticisms of the podcast that I actually enjoy the casual atmosphere you guys have, interruptions an all. I'm sure a lot of people disagree with me, but it's one of the reasons that I listen to your guys' podcasts most often over anyone else's. I enjoy how genuine you guys are and it creates an atmosphere of friendliness, like I'm sitting in a room listening to a bunch of buddies talking about games (although I guess that's what I'm doing essentially, haha).

    Keep up the good work!

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    13 years, 3 months ago

    I enjoyed the show. Even the interruptions. I like the discussions about any topic that gamers are enjoying and much of the interruptions just flat out made me laugh. Keep it up. Loved it. David, Happy belated Birthday. Be you man.