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90 hours! In preparation for 'Your Way Wednesday' last night, I came across this shocking number while browsing the memory cards for my Gamecube. This was the number of hours on my Tales of Symphonia save file. I knew I enjoyed Tales of Symphonia, but the game can be beaten in a fraction of that time. I realized I spent an unhealthy amount of time doing all of the side-quests and (of course) unlocking all of the different outfits and titles for each character. Then I remembered how much I liked Tales of the Abyss on PS2, and just how much I was enjoying what I played of Tales of Vesperia. Yeah, Tales games are pretty fucking good.
The problem is that Namco shits out two mediocre Tales games for every good one. The series became so flooded with ports, spin-offs, and mash-ups, that I didn't know which games to be excited about and which to pass on. As a result, over the past few years, I've grown to ignore the series completely. And after seeing the first screenshots of the upcoming Tales of Xillia, I decided I actively hated the franchise. And let me be clear, the character designs in this game are fucking awful. Like, really awful. I understand that a large portion of the Tales fandom are Japanese females, but these threads are ridiculous. And while the series is known for its multiple outfit options, this is not a good sign.
But, after finally seeing the game in action, I've flipped my opinion. The game looks great in motion. The environments are huge, colorful, and detailed. Combat looks as fast and juggle-heavy as ever. I'm not sure how this "blue line" that links the player-controlled character to a party member works, but the combo/juggle potential is already making my Tekken-loving mouth water.
The event scenes and anime clips showcased in the trailer below are also leaps and bounds ahead of where the series has ever been from a technical standpoint. At a first glance, I thought this game looked just like Vesperia. It's nice to know I was wrong. There is more detail in character animations and the camera moves with a more cinematic eye. It's just nice to see more overall movement in a genre where everything is usually so static.
I'm not sure when Xillia is coming to the States, but seeing as this is a AAA tier Tales entry, I have no doubt in my mind we will eventually get it. I've been looking for a good JRPG to get me back into the genre, and it's nice to see that Xenoblade doesn't have to carry the full weight of that lofty burden.
13 years, 7 months ago
I was a big fan of Symphonia, and beat it several times being one of the few action rpgs at the time, with combos, quests and loot. While there's still much to see, unfortunately, I still don't see much difference in Xillia.
Although I beat Symphonia countless times, I could even bring myself to get halfway through Abyss, and only had sparse experience at a friends with Vesperia. It just saddens me when series don't evolve,.I remember in Symphonia where even hidden "super" bosses could be defeat by just jumping over them so they couldn't defend themselves, since then, honestly combat AI hasn't really gone far in the series, likewise with 3D movement, holding the run button and running circles around enemies as they do nothing is pretty stupid. Even in trailer #1 in the post, a majority of the combat is both enemy and the ally npcs just standing there.
13 years, 7 months ago
xzr - Trust me if you haven't played Abyss fully, don't talk about beating super hidden bosses easily.
Nebilim on Very Hard/Unknown. Try it with a decent leveled team. PFFT
And thank you Brad for bringing my attention to this new one. It looks promising :D I haven't seen any tales games in a while (Cause I can't find my god damn Symphonia for GC D:)
13 years, 7 months ago
I kind of wondered why the battle system took this long to get where it will be. Apparently it needed a big budget to get it done.
13 years, 7 months ago
Well Xillia might take some time to come out here. Namco did say Tales of Graces F is coming out here soon so that might be something to look out for if interested.
13 years, 7 months ago
I for one am extremely excited, although the problem is that the game may not come to the states. From what I hear, the chance of Xillia coming to the states depends on the sales of Tales of Graces F when it is released. Though I doubt the game will sell well..
13 years, 7 months ago
I laughed hard after clicked 'this is not a good sign.' I love Tales games, but those outfits are out there. Screenshots just can't do much justice to most games, in motion is what the player will see. I hope Xillia is a good one.
13 years, 7 months ago
Well those costumes will definitely appeal to David, if he ever gets the chance to play it. If I remember correctly, he's a fan of The IDOLM@STERS.
13 years, 7 months ago
After all these recent years of jrpgs, I just don't even care about outfits anymore.
As for the topic of Tales, TotA is my favorite game, so any new official Tales game is a plus for me.
13 years, 7 months ago
I loveddd Vesperia. I really do hope that Xillia is as good as that and Symphonia. Now just to hope that it gets localized. :/
13 years, 7 months ago
When does this take place before or after tales of synphonia?
13 years, 7 months ago
I hope this is brought over to NA. I haven't played a tales game in a while and want to play a rpg for a change.
13 years, 7 months ago
I really wish Xenoblade would come stateside... I guess this will do.
13 years, 7 months ago
Everyone in those screenshots look like they took a roll in Lady Gaga's closet. :/
13 years, 7 months ago
i'm really excited to see more footage as it becomes available. i love namco tales games, and even though i don't have a ps3, i'm excited for my friends who do, and love namco tales as much as i do
13 years, 7 months ago
Sweet, but if it doesn't come out over here... *tear* *tear*. Never mind, I cant talk now.
13 years, 7 months ago
Personally, I'm pumped for Xillia. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, knowing Namco, but one can still pray it will see a localization. It seems to add new mechanics to the battles to keep the gameplay fresh (namely, the Dual Link). At least two of the characters - Rowell (the old guy) and Alvin (the guy with the brown coat) - strike me as characters with the more interesting backgrounds, and hopefully, the party as a whole will be one of the better ones in the series.
I agree with the Idolmaster costumes, though, they seem rather bland and far too out of place for the setting. Milla is probably the only one who looks half-decent. (And why the hell is the 12-year old girl wearing a prominent bra as well? ._.)
And yeah, Tales of Graces F is getting a PS3 localization to the US some time next year, so that may be worth considering.
13 years, 7 months ago
Finally! I loved the Tales Games and I wish they would bring more over. I feel a new wave of JRPG hittin' my systems soon :D
13 years, 7 months ago
I've only ever played tales of destiny 2, but I loved it
13 years, 7 months ago
I played Tales of the Abyss, and loved it.
The other day during the podcast said something like - all tales of suck - and I insulted him in my mind. It's good to know he was just rambling.
I´m really excited about Tales of Xillia and Tales of Graces F.
So did Brad play Tales of Vesperia or Tales of Graces?
The outfits don't look awful, they are not awesome, but they are decent. And not trying a game 'cuz it looks stupid is kind of retarded.
13 years, 7 months ago
I've never played the Tales of series. I admit that in the past I lost some interest because of the character designs. Looking at the trailers I can see that looks can be deceiving. I Don't know where to start.