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North Carolina's WBTV News program has just pointed out that Valve has "adopted" a rather cruel attitude towards orphans for its hit new game; Portal 2. Watch the video.
Portal 2 is very clearly cruel and villainous, making fun of those with no parents.
According to the concerned dad, most of the shock comes from the game being rated E for everyone when it should really be rated E for everyone EXCEPT ORPHANS. Given the game's lack of constraint at making fun of those who might be a bit rotund then a more appropriate rating would be Everyone except Orphans or fats. Also, seeing as how the game has several cool, space-bending puzzles then stupids must also abstain from playing.
You know what? This is so idiotic that I cannot wait for the game's fans to feel truly insulted over such trifles and voice out their complaints in defense of their favorite hobby. This time, everybody loses.
Me? I'm not going to say, criticize or point out anything. I'm just going to pretend this came out on The Onion and watch what happens.
13 years, 9 months ago
My fucking friend is in a wheelchair, and you know what? Favorite quote from the game "Bean counters said I couldn't fire someone in a wheelchair, guess what, did it anyway, ramps are expensive."
People are such cunts.
13 years, 9 months ago
My fucking friend is in a wheelchair, and you know what? Favorite quote from the game "Bean counters said I couldn't fire someone in a wheelchair, guess what, did it anyway, ramps are expensive."
People are such cunts nowadays.
13 years, 9 months ago
Seriously though? you're taking offense from wheatley? thats pretty low dude: I think the fact that you made a scene about it freaked your daughter out more lol
13 years, 9 months ago
Interesting. I guess North Carolina needs a sense of humor.
13 years, 9 months ago
There's nothing wrong with being adopted.
Being Chinese on the other hand.....
(jk, jk)
13 years, 9 months ago
The girl looked like she didn't care at all. Typical case of dumb parents, smart kid.
13 years, 9 months ago
The turth hurts, funny how no one can speak the truth without it being innapropriate.
13 years, 9 months ago
I just realized their TV is tiny. LOL
I'd be ashamed to let people know.
13 years, 9 months ago
Wow, really? Why have we in America become such pussy whiners? It's a joke, it's satire. QQ and get the fuck over it.
13 years, 9 months ago
its okay. i hate orphans too.
and the newscast team. i hope they all get raped and have their parents killed. stupid bastards..
13 years, 9 months ago
Facepalming is not enough for this kind of bullshit. People need a new sense of humor.
13 years, 9 months ago
This is why I hate people.
13 years, 9 months ago
HAHAHA.. I live in an area where this was broadcasted and I saw this on the TV. I had no idea it was publicized so much. Oh, poor NC, you're a really cool state, but your citizens are questionable sometimes...
13 years, 9 months ago
Best The Onion video to date hands down.
13 years, 9 months ago
This guy should be in a "You don't have to be perfect to be a parent" ad.
13 years, 9 months ago
It's funny that if they had played 5 more seconds of the clip of the game you'd hear GLaDoS ask what's wrong with being an orphan. Some people just need to calm down about everything
13 years, 9 months ago
I'm upset with parents bitching about this and that in a video game. Seriously, they just want an excuse to sue some big multi-million dollar coorporation to strike it rich. If you don't want your kid to make fun of Orphans and/or Fat people then Smack acroos the head and say "That's not nice dumbass" Don't blame the game. Chell don't care, why should the parents.
13 years, 9 months ago
"We have not heard back from them."
You know, maybe 'cause it was a fucking stupid question to ask.
13 years, 9 months ago
Oh please that's nothing.
13 years, 9 months ago
portal isnt really a kids game series
13 years, 9 months ago
I guess he couldn't understand what humor went. He took something so far as an insult. *sigh* and media just loves feeding off these stories to give vidya games a bad name.
They sound so unintellectual about games when they talk about them. Like they don't know a thing about the game, or played alittle of it yet they're reporting it anyway, and judging it so fast.
13 years, 9 months ago
Why? its just a...never mind im going to stick to eating popcorn.
13 years, 9 months ago
lol, the reporter at the very end
"That's just unfriendly. Unfriendly.."*nods head*
Well it was supposed to be was supposed to be unfriendly
The joke was meant to poke at Weatly having no other options in insults than to go for a cheap low blow that is ruined by an immiture fat insult despite the character being skinny.
It was character development and if the game actually made you feel insulted than it's a really good game. It did it's job in pulling you into the world and interacting with it. "unfriendly", imagine if that girl used the internet and went exploring
13 years, 9 months ago
Honestly, I can sympathize with the parents - it's something that didn't strike me as odd or offensive when I first heard it, but trying to see and hear it from their eyes I can see how it could cause a stir.
Those anchors were retarded though, in everything they said. "We contacted Sony..." Um, why? Why not contact Microsoft... or you know, the people who actually WROTE the script, VALVE? Do your research dumbasses. "Trying to pass the buck..." y'mean, to the appropriate people to ask about this? Yeah, that's passing the buck all right.
13 years, 9 months ago
i'm adopted and wasn't the slightest bit offended, a jokes a joke, get over it. I laughed, the girl laughed, STFU overly concerned parent.
also "Fatty fatty no parents" charles lol
13 years, 9 months ago
I thought I remembered a line later in the game stating that there was nothing wrong with being adopted. I thought that a lot of Wheatley's lines were to poke fun at his lack of intelligence. Either that, or I need to play that game again.
13 years, 9 months ago
First, they are taking the games quote out of context, what Wheatley is saying is completely targetting Chell. Also the kid "ignoring it and sticking to her guns" looks like she does not care what so ever about it. The game is full of satire and other jokes that just make people laugh theres nothing wrong about it. Also the rating E10+ is correct and the dad making the orphan comment about the rating obviously wasn't monitoring the gameplay as she continued through the game.
13 years, 9 months ago
I knew something like this was going to happen when they announced it had an E rating.
Just because a concerned parent is distressed about something being exposed to thier child, adopted or not, doesn't give you the right to attack them and call them a pussy. This is absolutely nothing like when someone gets an M rated game for a 8 year old; the sense of humor can be rather coerce in the Portal franchise for an E game, lets remember the first one was rated T after all with practically the same content.
13 years, 9 months ago
guess they.....
"puts on sunglasses"
dont has good humor...YEEEAAAAHHHHHHH
comment fail?
13 years, 9 months ago
Its funny that they show the clip of Glados criticizing Wheatly for using adoption as an insult. They cant even get the context right in this supposed controversy
13 years, 9 months ago
I fucking hate the media
13 years, 9 months ago
13 years, 9 months ago
So....what was the point of contacting the news about this? He still lets her play the game and say they enjoy it. I guess one line of dialogue you find offensive is enough to alert the local news and make yourself look like a failure of a parent?
I was called a "Cockeating assclown" in Bulletstorm.
13 years, 9 months ago
This is so sad. I can't believe how over-sensitive people have become.
13 years, 9 months ago
They think that part is bad? wheatleys stupid "insults"?
fucking glados gets in your head with it, she brings the cruel with the orphan and fat insults, if they've known bout what she said in the first half of the game there would've been lots more stir, lol.
"I made it up..surpise!" and then proceeds to say something bout "your parents left you and dont love you" thats way more offensive, but still satire and funny in a sadistic kind of way, lol.
On the other hand, I can totally see the parents reactions with an adopted child in their house, playing this game, and it (if just lightly) pokes fun of the character for having no parents (but of course the game pokes fun of wheatley for low-blowing her with glados' previous insults)
the reporters are dumb as hell tho, arent those the same news that called furries pedophiles because a person was dressed as a pedobear for shits and giggles? and said "dont let your kid near people in animal costumes, they get stimulation from the touch of your child"? wth?
13 years, 9 months ago
Wow, this makes my state look retarded.
13 years, 9 months ago
Loved the pics
13 years, 9 months ago
"She's Chinese; she obviously doesn't look like us." I'm offended by this statement. She has a nose, right? Two eyes? A mouth? What a dick! I oughta punch him right in the tit. I'm gonna sue him, too. That was very harmful to my feelings.
13 years, 9 months ago
he got his 5 minutes of fame, if it meant picking out a comment made by a character who is the bad guy then he did it. He can now immortalise himself with the VCR tape, whilst his daughter goes round agreeing with everyone that her adoptive dad is a loser. Somone should send him a copy of Fallout 3 just to see if he catches on to why it would be offensive : P
13 years, 9 months ago
One of the most wittiest, most priceless pieces of gaming and general entertainment...put into controversy for plain orphan jokes.
13 years, 9 months ago
Today is the day I laughed until I peed.
13 years, 9 months ago
*sigh* People take this shit way too seriously. I got emotionally bullied all through middle school. Everything from making fun of my ears, to the clothes I wore, to my big glasses, to calling me a "fag" for not having a girlfriend in middle school, etc. If I heard this in a movie or game, I wouldn't even be slightly offended. People need to grow up and get a sense of humor.
13 years, 9 months ago
Just ignore him.
13 years, 9 months ago
Wait, how did they get offended by THAT adopted joke that far in the game when GLaDOS makes even crueler jokes about being adopted not even halfway through?
13 years, 9 months ago
I lol'd.
13 years, 9 months ago
Dumb cunts like this shouldn't be allowed to adopt kids.
13 years, 9 months ago
>"popular kids video game"
>Glados questions the morality of making fun of orphans in the same scene they use as evidence
>"Educational" - you dont learn anything, its more of a IQ test
>Contacted Sony
Kill it with fire.
13 years, 9 months ago
Jesus - especially when they think that sony not responding and passing it to valve is them trying to get away from the issue - I mean VALVE made the damn game. Anyway, they didn't really show what glados said in response to Wheatly. Whatever we move on to more important things.
13 years, 9 months ago
A reply to the comments.
13 years, 9 months ago
since when was portal educational anyway? just becasue its a puzzle game in which you figure out how to get from one room to the next and its rated E10+ dosnt mean its educational.
This is portal 2, not some leapfrog shit.
13 years, 9 months ago
Ugh, I just think this is ridiculous because it's only one tiny joke and the girl doesn't seem to mind about it, unlike the parent however. >_>
13 years, 9 months ago
I don't see how orphans can get offended... or anybody playing Portal 2 for that matter. There's ALOT more offensive material on the market right now.
13 years, 9 months ago
rofl some people take things wayyyy to seriously
13 years, 9 months ago
I think it's a bit silly, they're robots and the way the get at human's is there feelings... if you want a game to complain about, go watch the dead island trailer, then say that again -_-
13 years, 9 months ago
People need to quit taking themselves so damn seriously.
I mean, is all of this drama necessary, or does this guy just want to be on TV?
Also, I absolutely love the thumbnail for this article.
13 years, 9 months ago
This is just stupid. At least when these uptight idiots get offended by violence in games (and the media in general) that's understandable, but now they are getting offended by orphan jokes. If we can't make fun of orphans then is there any hope for the world? But seriously this is ridiculous, people need to stop taking things so seriously. Do we want to live in a world, where you can't make fun of anyone at all? I live by the code that no one is safe from comedy, including Orphans.
13 years, 9 months ago
It was a strange remark in game. But man it's being taken far! Brigida on wbtv kept reading quotes from people who agree it's taken to far. Things like "this news story is ridiculous" "it wasn't a serious remark" etc. And kept voice mailing Valve! It's an odd remark for a game rated E, but come on.
13 years, 9 months ago
America, land of the self-victimized.
13 years, 9 months ago
This is America. No jokes allowed. Ever.
13 years, 9 months ago
Guys go look up The Onion on the link Carlos put up there ^^
It helps a lot.
13 years, 9 months ago
That's odd, it doesn't seem to show the part literally right after Wheatley's taunt, when GLaDOS defends Chell, which leaves Wheatly embarrassed, and he somewhat apologizes. I wonder why...
Also, and I know this game has been out for almost a month now, they showed spoilers without any warning.
So I ask you, gentlemen and ladies of the internet, how shall we deal with this? Cakes of lies? Combustable lemons? Or shall we just silently laugh at their over "liberalness"?
13 years, 9 months ago
Forget a sense of humor, this guy is just an idiot and doesn't understand the context in which the line was said. His adopted girl couldn't care less, but I'm sure she hated those reporters watching her as she played and telling her to play the same part over again and definitely hated her father talking about how different and insulted she should feel
13 years, 9 months ago
i'm more insulted by being called fat..but really, the girl was not offended, the mother didn't seem to care, the father is a melvin.
13 years, 9 months ago
The dad overreacted but at least he didn't take the fox news route of saying this game is horrible and it should be banned.
13 years, 9 months ago
People bitch about the most rediculous things... "Oh gawd it made a joke, MAKE IT RATED MATURE."
13 years, 9 months ago
It's like the dad thinks he can forever shield his child from insults, which are bound to happen in the future. I would have tried to use this situation to make a point, like saying how Wheatly is clearly a bad guy and needs to be stopped for trying to insult the player.
13 years, 9 months ago
WAIT, WHEN WAS THIS GAME EDUCATIONAL? I liked it because it was epic.
13 years, 9 months ago
The only one making it a problem was her dad, it clearly didn't bother her but he's making her feel it should.
13 years, 9 months ago
E for Everyone Except for orphans. Lol they actualy think portal 2 hates orphans? Just for the record if you are an orphans you suck and its terrible.
13 years, 9 months ago
Since when was this marketed as educational or for kids?
13 years, 9 months ago
so its bad that the game made fun of adopted kids, but not "fatty fat" kids? lol this is just ridiculous