Below are the three reveal trailers for the last three console Zelda games. Two of them are pretty amazing. The other I feel misses the spirit that the other two evoke. Am I crazy? Am I jaded? What's missing from the last trailer? For some reason, I blame this trailer for my lack of excitement for Skyward Sword.


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    13 years ago

    I see what you mean. The first two feel more like cinematic trailers, whereas the last one is almost comical.

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    13 years ago

    Now that you mention it Brad, i felt something missing from the SS trailer. I'm not sure maybe its the areas they showed us, we may feel like we've already been there. Maybe its the enemies we may feel we've already done that too. Looking at Windwakers trailer you see toon link in a duegeon doing things that you didn't do in past Zeldas (sure you had to sneak into Gerudo Valley but it wasn't sneaking like toon link was). The Twilight Princess trailer showed us new enemies and new areas, these areas didn't look like the old life filled areas the past zeldas had. I don't know....i just don't know....

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    13 years ago

    the music for the third one is more light hearted than the other 2,

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    13 years ago

    Maybe its the huge fucking disgusting HUD

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    13 years ago

    To me it the first two trailers were showing more of the epic set pieces in the game and how they both play differently and are different from previous zelda games, while I am not saying SS isn't going to be unique its just the trailer doesn't give you the same impact of excitement the other two did. The third trailer just seemed to show how your items and weapons are used via the Wii remote and how they are used in game, while this is fine for know it is't as fun to watch when comparing it to the previous trailers which left you with anticipation for the game it self rather than the tech

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    13 years ago

    The first thing Skyward's trailer does is go "Hey, remember ZELDA? Well here it is again!" and then Link's standing there to accept applause and it's so uncomfortable and awkward. It's like Link's about to start stripping. You don't want to see it, Link doesn't want to do it, but everyone around you is going "YEAH! Show us your dick!" while Nintendo nods approvingly.

    They also fail to make combat look exciting or cinematic, and focus on what you'll be doing with WiiMotion+. The trailer makes the game really come off as a cash-grab or something that's more concerned with doing cool things with the controls rather than doing cool things with the world/story/style/puzzles/bosses/characters. All the things that makes us care about Zelda.

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    13 years ago

    I think J has got it summarized fairly well that the first 2 trailers not only shown more of a cinematic sequence but aren't in your face about new controls instead focus on the world design and bosses you will fight. I also was really disappointed in the beginning of the skyward trailer they show link past adventure as if we had forgotten in the other 2 trailers we don't need to see that link is awesome regardless of his past every reincarnation is different which is probably why newer players can pick anyone of the games up and play it.

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    13 years ago

    I liked the Skyward Sword trailer more than the Wind Waker trailer... is that wrong?

    I just found the Wind Waker trailer to be somewhat goofy. Also, the new Skyward Sword trailer is pretty sweet. Shows off a Vaati-look-alike villian or something.

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    13 years ago

    Honestly, the only one that got me excited was the second one. The first was disappointingly short and uneventful, maybe because I played it already and I know the game has much more to offer. I just feel like a reveal trailer should be more than some comical 50 second clip. The third was just bland, pretty much throwing controls and game play in your face rather than demonstrating other elements and atmosphere that Twilight Princess's trailer played on.

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    13 years ago

    The major diffrence I notice is that the first two seem to focus on more action while the SS one seems to be about the items and the new motion controlled sword action.

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    13 years ago

    I think all 3 trailers look the same. they all show footage of gamplay, but it looks like Skyward Sword will have the same old dungeon design, only difference is that you'll use different gadgets to overcome obstacles...but that was like that in the previous Zelda games.

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    13 years ago

    I kinda like the look of the gameplay in Skyward Sword better than the others, seems more interesting, but there was definitely something about the trailer that just made it less exciting than the others. I think it was probably that the shots were held for longer and there wasn't as much going on making it much less interesting. Also the music was more relaxed. Just bad directing for the trailer really.

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    13 years ago

    I don't know Brad, I am pretty excited for the new Legend of Zelda.

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    13 years ago

    Yeah, I'd say the music is a huge factor in what makes or breaks these trailers. The first two sound majestic, theatrical and a bit menacing, while Skyward Sword just sounds like in game music not designed for a compelling trailer. Also, I wish they would've put in the hype subject into the trailer, which is the sentient sword spirit thing.

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    13 years ago

    Well, the thing about the last one is it is completely different. It's clearly just showing off the Wiimote action.

    It seems like people have been upset about not being able to get excited about Skyward Sword for a long time, since the game was first shown even, but we still don't know much about the game, right? So there's nothing wrong with not being too excited yet. If we get a bunch of info and it's lame, then we should worry...

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    13 years ago

    Well you can tell the first two were more or less handcrafted (especially toon link at the end) while the third trailer shows more in-game stuff like weapons, tools, and environmental puzzles.

    Which ones excite me the most? Third one obviously since it's the one coming out. Skyward sword has an interesting art style with a few interesting gadgets and tricks.

    At the age of 20 something and have played almost every Zelda game, it's hard to be terribly excited by every Zelda game out there. It's like being terribly excited about Mario games, I want a 3d one where I can jump as high as the 2d Mario, then we can talk!

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    13 years ago

    I think the first two just seem a little familiar, and the third one seems like a been there done that thing. Of course i could be that the third one was more or less a "new features" esque trailer.

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    13 years ago

    I think you may be on to something because I feel like something is missing with the game itself in general. It doesn't excite me at all and I don't find this one as interesting.

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    13 years ago

    I refuse to write off a Zelda game.

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    13 years ago

    The Zelda formula in general has just become stale. I'd argue that Majora's Mask was the last Zelda game to actually do anything truly interesting, but a new Zelda game can still be exciting if it has at least something different to it to be excited about. Coming away from those trailers, Wind Waker and it's visual style makes you think it'll possess an unusual level of charm, and Twilight Princess was the first time we saw Zelda take a more gritty and "realistic" approach in the way it looks (though honestly, I found the trailer more interesting than the actual game). Skyward Sword... does it do anything?

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    13 years ago

    the twilight princess trailer uses music from Conan

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    13 years ago

    Other than the HuD, which does detract a bit from the Skyward Sword trailer, I think that all three of em look just fine.

    I liked how the Skyward trailer opened up with "This is where we've been, and here's where we are now." type of schtick. It actually is pretty cool, plus, it adds a brief nostalgia factor when watching the trailer (which I've noticed that all three trailers have invoked.).

    After seeing the gameplay elements (lol, Slingshot), you get to the conclusion of the trailer, with Link diving into the clouds. This can be seen as two things: 1)"Prepare to dive into a new adventure!" 2)"Take a leap of faith and dive in!" The former is pretty self explanatory. The second one is also self explanatory, with a bit of a twist: the LoZ series has been relatively stable, with a few minor hiccups (and even THAT'S debatable). Thus, taking a leap of faith for this game shouldn't be too scary/intimidating.

    TL;DR, All three trailers look cool.

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    13 years ago

    Maybe you've finally realised (like me) that zelda's formula is already past its due and unless nintendo does somet... oh wait they're fans will buy anything as long as it's series started 25 years ago.

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    13 years ago

    The first 2 were clearly illustrated the expanse of the worlds and the scale of the task to be done (even if not stated the range of areas and varying types and sizes of enemies convey this) where as the Skyward Sword trailer falls short of this in many ways. The music starts off so light that it doesn't create a sense of scale but more of a jaunty stroll. You don't see much of the world and little sense of adventure outside of rope swinging. The rest of it is saying, "Hey we actually built this one for the Wii unlike the last one. How can you tell? Look at all these cool motion things we made!" It then proceeds to show concept footage for each device. It is less about saying this is going to be another epic adventure and more of just showing that you can play it on a damn Wii.

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    13 years ago

    I think we need some way to flag posts for deletion, these are popping up a little too often

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    13 years ago

    there's something about the monsters and link,as if they had decided go with"Super Nintendo"monsters and added "game cube" link .it doesn't feel like this should be "the next step up"for the zelda games.

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    13 years ago

    I think its the fact that Skyward Sword lacks anything different. Windwaker followed Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask with a cel shaded art style that gave the audience a huge change to focus on. Twilight Princess did the same by returning to a "mature" look, seemed more grand in scale than any previous Zelda, and added in wolf transformations. Again big differences to focus on.

    What does Skyward Sword give us? New Items? Those find their way into every Zelda game. The trailer appears to play out in a space the size of a hotel room while splicing in the obligatory volcano and deep forest environments. J_52 was right. The first 20 seconds or so of that trailer are spent reminding people they are about to see more Zelda and they top it off with Link just awkwardly standing there.

    They didn't really do enough to show how different Skyward Sword could be from Twilight Princess and the other "3d" zeldas before it. I hope they still have some cards up their sleeves.

    Lets hope

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    13 years ago

    One of the huge problems with the Skyward Sword trailer and maybe the whole game in general is the mood and styling of the world. A Zelda game should have you feeling like a masterful explorer in a vivid but eerie environment, in Windwaker the ocean and Link being so young made you feel vulnerable but capable. Twilight Princess had much more obscure and gritty character/ environment designs, along with a more fleshed out world.

    Skyward Sword looks more gimmicky and less focused than the other Console Zelda's, why should hardcore Zelda fans care about one specific mechanic or gadget? Either the trailer they showed was material made just for E3 or maybe Nintendo is trying to lure in a even younger audience for this new Zelda game.

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    13 years ago

    It's because Skyward Sword is combining the cell shadedness from WW into the adult style of TP and thus making it all nancy-pancy. The mature and colour/light moods you get from Twilight Princess is where they should have gotten inspiration from, not this super colourful, cell shaded ''look at me! I'm looking better than ever! Fuck yeah recent technology!'' crap.

    The TP trailer is eerie and sets a great mood and feel. It even played out that way and I loved it. SS on the other hand just looks fake and is more aimed at new players and expecting the old fans to follow like little puppies.

    Like everyone else is saying, they really are shoving down the new tricks they can do with the current tech they have down your throats.

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    13 years ago

    He looked like he was modleing in the skyward sword trailer...

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    13 years ago

    they are way way to concerned with showing off the controls of the sword and sheild in skyward sword. when in all honestly its not that impressive. its been done before. Red Steel 2 used the wii remote to make acurate sword swings, this is no diffrent. they didnt focus on the wonder and the suspense like they did on the other trailers, just showing off controls really

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    its like the first two games had a baby and SS is what came out, the graphics for SS color and texture wise are more like winderwaker whereas the overall look/sizing/etc. of it is more realistic like twlight princess.