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I've been a hardcore video game enthusiast for well over a decade now, and I like to think that I'm pretty good at recognizing the Who's Who of the industry. But at PAX East last week I kept running into a person that I couldn't identify. And while this certainly isn't surprising at a public gaming convention, I was amazed by how many people were taking pictures of him. I took a lot of my own pictures at PAX, and he kept showing up in those as well!
Below is a photo I found of him by happenstance whilst browsing the Internet. I know the picture isn't very clear, but I'm pretty sure this was him at PAX East. I would have posted my own pictures of him from show floor, but I left my camera at work. I will update the post when I go grab it.
If anyone has anymore info or pictures of this man, please email me at It's driving me crazy!
I've received a butt load of emails with attached pictures from others who attended PAX. All i know is that this person is named "Carlos", and that for some reason a lot of people wanted to take his picture. I thought I left my camera at work, but it isn't there either. This will start making a lot more sense as soon as I find my camera and post my pictures.
Did this "Carlos" person design a game or something? Everywhere I went, someone was taking his picture. I will get to the bottom of this. Anyway, here are the pictures I received from various people:
I've found my camera and have uploaded my pictures from PAX East. I wasn't lying when I said this man was popular! I've posted the pictures I took that seem to match up with the ones I received. Every time I ran into this "Carlos" at PAX, someone awesome was taking his picture. And now I have proof!
I spotted the Crimson Viper from the world of Street Fighting taking a picture of this famous "Carlos" person. After he left, I asked her who he was. All she said was that he is known as "Hadouken" in the streets. I was like "wuh?". She said, "...because he's down, right, fierce."
I'm not surprised that Mr. T was at PAX East. He probably thought there was another WoW expansion coming out. What was surprising was seeing him snap a picture of this mysterious Carlos. Maybe Carlos was the lost member of the A Team?
I even witnessed the brilliant designer, Chris Hecker, taking his picture while I was visiting his Spy Party booth. Perhaps this Carlos worked with him on a project in the past? Maybe Carlos was his mentor?
How does Greg Kasavin, former EIC of Gamespot and designer on Bastion, know who this Carlos person is, but I don't? Maybe Carlos is the man behind Bastion's brilliant voice-over.
It's one thing to bring your giant mech to a public game convention. But stopping to take pictures? That's dangerous! And of this Carlos person?! WHO IS HE???
Okay, seriously. Portal 2 is going to be the greatest game in all of the forever. Really, like the greatest game of all time in the universe. So why in the world would project lead, Josh Weier, need to take a picture of this Carlos guy?
I decided to stop by the Mega 64 booth for an autograph. After all, who is more popular than the Mega 64 crew? BAH! I thought no one could ever be. But sure enough, even Rocco felt the need to take a quick snap of Carlos.
This is ridiculous. Where does a storm trooper even keep a camera?
A Big Daddy is bursting through the wall and Elizabeth from Bioshock: Infinite just has to have a picture of Carlos? This Carlos guy must truly be legendary if she is willing to take such risks.
I went to go visit MC Frontalot and tried to get a quick picture of him. He covered his face when he saw me about to snap his picture. Apparently, I'm not worthy of his photograph. Carlos on the other hand? He's famous enough to get his picture taken by him.
Carlos had no idea a creeper was right behind him. Shortly after this picture was taken, the creeper exploded. This was the last I saw of Carlos. I wasn't brave enough to approach Carlos myself, but if I ever see him again, I'll be sure to take his picture. The hunt continues!
Oh, and that first picture at the top? The photographer of this very blurry photo is none other than Tim Schafer of Double Fine! I wish I knew how this brilliant man has heard of Carlos. And why is he making Carlos do a tiger pose?
14 years ago
14 years ago
This is brilliant
14 years ago
That is the engima known as Carlos. From what I heard, women want to be with him, men want to be him. Little is known about him, but he is the real deal. Cannot get better then this engima.
14 years ago
The pic with Mr T was great, especially the guy in the background looking incredibly confused
14 years ago
A whole new species, a whole new breed of human.
14 years ago
WTF! Tim Schafer took a pic of Carlos! That's awesome!
14 years ago
He's a boss with amazing poses
14 years ago
He looks like the protagonist from Jumper.. ;-;
14 years ago
Awesome shots, creative idea, the best hadouken reference ever.
14 years ago
I would sell my soul to come in contact with Schafer, yet from what I've heard Carlos does not like his games, or at least from double fine. Oh the irony.
14 years ago
lol, that's brilliant. I wonder who he could be!
14 years ago
The Doofman, such a rare species of human. No wonder so many people wanted to capture it's presence.
14 years ago
Damn, you guys should try and get this Carlos guy as a guest on the podcast sometime.
14 years ago
Creepers man.... always when you least expect them
14 years ago
The backpack, jeans, and shirt. Rico(Scorpio) from Just Cause 2. I'm just saying, it's a stretch, but you could say he's pulling it off.
14 years ago
His theme song is Rico Suave
14 years ago
Hmmm, he seems like The Most Interesting Man In The World. His reputation is so well known, that famous individuals stop just to take a picture of him... Just him.
14 years ago
Even the fair maiden Elizabeth cosplayer was so entranced that she had to take a picture.
My god, who iz dees man?
14 years ago
This "Carlos" guy seems awesome! I think I need a pic of him as well :D
14 years ago
I am not sure who this Carlos guy is but I wish I were him!
14 years ago
I get its polite and stuff but man Tim Schafer, Greg Kasavin, Rocco, and my new waifu Elizabeth all agreed on taking pictures wat. So good, so strange, and so I don't even know.
14 years ago
Damn, Carlos sure is popular.
14 years ago
Best feature we've ever had.
14 years ago
Carlos is a myth, like the wind or razor filled apples. I myself was skeptical to Carlos' existence anywhere on Earth. I've only heard stories that friends have told of spotting a Carlos out of the corner of their eye while on a roadtrip. They mentioned the powerful urge to take photos despite the fact that none of them had access to a camera. One even pointed the highway speed limit cameras at him.
I can't be skeptical anymore. I didn't give in when people brought me "footprints" that I could clearly tell were bear paws, and I didn't give in when presented with artists renderings. Having so many photos with reputable people attached gathered into one place I can no longer shut my eyes to the facts. Carlos is real. The big question now is why is he here?
14 years ago
There he goes, one of gods own prototypes. A high powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
14 years ago
this man i believe he looked into my soul once and it scared me quite a bit
14 years ago
It is the "Missing Link" aka Carlito!!!
14 years ago
This whole thing is fucking stupid.
14 years ago
reminds me of "angry birds." especially the thumbnail photo on the front page
14 years ago
Nice job pulling this one out.
14 years ago
The only way to find this mysterious man is to follow the trail of shoved-over hillbillies and angry chefs in his path.
14 years ago
Taking pictures of Carlos is one thing, but taking pictures of people taking pictures of Carlos? That's brilliant.
14 years ago
14 years ago
Pure genius!
14 years ago
This Man was born at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, he surfaces once a year...Only for PAX
14 years ago
what a wondrous enigma
14 years ago
Some say his sweat cures malaria...
And that he lives solely off of ferrets...
All we know is, he's called Carlos.
14 years ago
wait a minute something doesnt seem right
14 years ago
Oh! CARlos! Yeah. That dude saved my dog from drowning.
14 years ago
This "Carlos" guy is awesome. Will there be a chance that he'll make an appearance at E3? I guess we'll just need to bring our cameras and find out.
14 years ago
14 years ago
best. article. ever.
13 years, 11 months ago
He doesn't always drink beer, but when he does, he drinks dos equis.
he doesn't always shoot guns, but when he does, he always shoots head shots.
He doesn't always attend podcast discussions, but when he does, he only podcasts on awesome shows.
This Carlos is man. And he is awesome.