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I have never played a Tell Tale game simply because their source material thus far just hasn't been of any interest to me. As much as I can appreciate the love for "Back to the Future" but as a child, I was always more interested in franchises like Ghostbusters and Jurassic Park. Which brings me to the subject of this post.
Go ahead and joke about my love of Dinosaurs. It definitely isn't something I am ashamed of. Dinosaurs fascinated me as a child and for good reason. I still remember the first time I saw Jurassic Park in theaters and it is by far one of my most memorable and magical experiences in cinema. Unfortunately that magic has rarely transferred to the world of video games. The last notable Jurassic Park release was Operation Genesis which explored the park building/managing genre by creating a theme park tycoon style experience. While that was definitely an interesting concept, I don't feel any game has yet to capture the experience and atmosphere of the films.
This is where Telltale Games has stepped in and created a game that just might strike the right notes. While I am a little disappointed that the series has yet to receive a full blown retail game, giving players a third-person adventure title with an emphasis on survival seems like the next best thing. I also feel that Telltales signature episodic style would be a perfect fit for an IP like this. Check out the the newest video from Telltale to get a feeling for how the game will look and feel:
Perhaps if this game does well enough, the IP might regain some of it's initial popularity and attract the attention of other publishers and developers who want to take a crack at it. With Telltales reputation and penchant for producing well-made and intriguing games based on popular properties, this just might be just what the series needs to make a come back.
P.S.- I will be playing this on the feed.
13 years, 11 months ago
I'd like to see some gameplay
cuz from what I see here its not clear exactly how this is gunna play. Sometimes games like these are ambitious but wind up like the new killzone or force unleashed 2 where its just the same stuff over and over
13 years, 11 months ago
Telltale is saying that they are taking alot of ques from Heavy Rain with this game and I can see that but I'm not sure if they could make scenes that intense if there will be no consequence of your death like Heavy Rain's consequences.
P.S. After reading about Nick loving dinosaurs as a child though it reminded me of this scene in Step Brothers
13 years, 11 months ago
Ah, telltale games are good fun. The monkey island 5 episode series was brilliant. I can't wait to see what these guys pull out the bag this time!
13 years, 11 months ago
Might wanna correct the title, Nick :"Telltale *bringing Jurassic Park game to coming* in Fall 2011"?
Is it just me or do the in-game graphics already look slightly dated? Perhaps Crytek has spoiled me...
13 years, 11 months ago
Ok Nick, so your gonna buy a PC game and play it on the feed?
13 years, 11 months ago
The 4PP "Go to Dinosaur Kid"....Going to be awesome!
13 years, 11 months ago
If the emphasis really is on survival, then I can imagine a moment in the game where you have to run for your life from the pack of Velociraptors. *Hrrr* I'm getting chills just thinking about it. Do you really think that you have any kind of chance to outrun a frickin' Velociraptor?
I can imagine it ending something like this:
13 years, 11 months ago
Nick playing anything on the feed is good news. The fact that it is a Jurassic Park game by Telltale makes this epic.
13 years, 11 months ago
I feel like I could enjoy this game, but it looks incredibly outdated. For a survival game to immerse me, it's characters are gonna have to look better...than that. Still, I think it's a cool idea to go back to.
13 years, 11 months ago
I really cant wait. I too love dinosaurs and i really always wanted a good game about them. and i really think that this game could deliver
13 years, 11 months ago
I dont love dinos like nick, but nothing evokes more emotions of fear in me, closest thing to a phobia i have.(Granted it only applies to movies/vidoegames/books since they dont exist any longer) I love/hate dinosaur games with that suffocating feeling of impending death.
I will forever remember yelling out for my mom from my bed because i thought there was a velociraptor under my bed waiting to take off a limb if i so much as put my foot on the floor. Funny now, trauma then >_>, thanks dad...
13 years, 11 months ago
Doesn't look great from the Giantbomb QL I saw but it did look pretty much made for PC/Consoles. It was very heavy rain QTEs but no story changingness. Just point and click but QTEs and different camera angles and stuff. Also their realistic approach with the graphics ain't the greatest but eh its ok.
13 years, 11 months ago
As a paleonologist and a gamer, I can safely say that my love for Jurassic Park is still in me. I can't wait to see this game downloading on my hard drive...
13 years, 11 months ago
yes this is gonna be awesome
the BTTF game was good to
13 years, 11 months ago
I'm excited, I love Jurassic Park. Can never have too many dinosaurs!
13 years, 11 months ago
I love JP movies but this game looks like shit... Well at this point.