Below is some early footage of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 in action. It mostly just showcases some of the flashier new tag moves and animations, but it does give me a little confidence in this product. The tagging system in the original TTT was fast, balanced, and because the round was over when one character died, tagging required good timing and strategy.

1. First, I'm glad tagging looks as fast as it does in the original TTT. I was worried that the enclosed 3d environments would slow down the tag system, but it looks that won't be the case.

2. The video showcases several of the special tag throws with Paul and Law and the Kings, but the usefulness of these maneuvers were always limited. They were just more damaging versions of tag throws, but there are almost always better options than tag throwing. That and these force the player to use specific character match-ups.

3. It's not surprising, but the bounding system seems to have returned from Tekken 6 -- meaning Julia's juggles will most likely still be a pain in the ass to pull off. Yay.

4. The tag combos they showed in the footage, especially the Jin/Asuka one, look sorta canned. And I hope they are, because otherwise the inputs could be very tricky. Canned combos are usually pretty useless, but I'd prefer that than having to rely on high maintenance inputs to maximize damage potential.

5. Tagging out when backed into a wall looks terribly dangerous. See how open Armor King looks after he jumps down? I don't see the possibility of a tag cancel in this situation, so I imagine the other players will get a free wall juggle of their choosing. Maybe they could give the player landing options when jumping down from a wall after a tag. Perhaps the option to land in the lying or rolling position?

6. There were no walls in the first TTT. The best fighters in Tekken 4-6 were the ones with good launchers combined with great juggle carry and strong wall enders/games. Now players can pick the fighters with the best juggle starters and tag juggle to the fighters with the best wall games. The damage potential is going to be sick.

7. Namco really needs to change the fighters' default outfits. Customization is not enough. It might sound trivial, but I think it actually affects sales. Street Fighter gets away with this because releases are few and far between, and because there is more nostalgia to the outfits.

8. Much like the costumes, if there isn't a significant change in the visual style of the models, animations, or overall look, this series is going to sell worse and worse. Namco will still make a great fighting game no doubt, but it won't be a very successful one.

9. Where my Ogres?


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    13 years, 6 months ago

    This looks suprisingly good, all things considered. Hopefully they can clean it up a bit more, though. Either way this is one of the games to look forward to next year.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I'm sure you'll get your Ogres :D
    Anyway, I'm liking how this is shaping up, although the wall juggling stuff seems like it could become a problem later on..

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Eddie Gordo Christi Montaro Tag = Infinite Juggle

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Do you think that Namco will re-boot the series after this? I hope so.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Wonder if online will be laggy???

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I've always been the casual gamer when it comes to the fighting genre. I'm okay at games like Tekken and Soul Calibur, but I mostly get away with mashing buttons to be perfectly honest. Though I've always seen the appeal in fighting games which is why I still play them here and there. Although I can't play 2D fighting games to save my life and unfortunately I avoid fighting online altogether because I don't want to be humiliated online. lol I do hope though that Ogre makes a return because since Tekken 3, Ogre was one of my favorite characters to use.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I feel like the audience for this game would be like the venn diagram with the circle inside of a circle...
    I could be wrong, but tag team modes are so different from the regular game that a lot of the Tekken 6 audience probably don't really care. Just like how you talked about marvel vs. capcom becoming a totally different game (albeit better in that case), these two games are not similar enough to have a significant overlap.
    I haven't played the first one, though I have been playing a lot of 6. Personally, I'm not looking forward to having to learn another character just for this game, since I mostly just use Dragunov, but I will give it a try and see how I like it.
    I hope they tune down the damage output though, my friend and I would always turn the health to 150% in order to have matches that made any sense when his Lili dealt out 50% in one combo...
    And while it might be a bad idea to look to the DOA series for inspiration on how to make good fighting games (I actually really like 4, though I'm perfectly aware of the utter nonsense rock-paper-scissors type gameplay that series is infamous for), it had different entrances for the tag character, like a running kick for example, so things like that might be useful in TTT2. Maybe.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    This looks promising.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Tekken is probably one of the only fighters that can hold replay value pretty well so seeing this kind of intrigues me :D