Call of Duty: Black Ops will release in a couple of hours. It will without a doubt get people fired, end relationships and bring out the inner hatemonger of countless teenagers on XBox Live. I wasn't thinking much of this game but out of curiosity read up on some stuff and oh, dear. This game looks allright! I got 5 good reasons why you should play this game, if not tonight, then sometime!

Black Ops, whom I once referred to as "Modern Warfare 2's blooper reel" has actually gotten its own show. It seems to bring the fun through a crazy single player mode with some extras and a multiplayer that might take care of some of the issues in Modern Warfare 2. Think of Black Ops as "Snakes on a Plane": it's silly, it's crazy, it's loud. Its not THE most magnificent anything ever, but it isn't boasting about being one.  Its predecessor, on the other hand, tried so hard that it might have even gone (to use another cinema analogy)  'Full retard', something that is far from advisable lest you wish to walk away empty handed.

He knows what he is talking about.

Anyways, 5 reasons to pick up Black Ops! [Might be some spoilers in here, proceed at your own risk]

5.- There is a mission in the game in which Castro gets murdered.
I got this from reading the achievement list for the game. Achievement "Death to Dictators" is awarded to those players that bring Castro down using a single round. Now before everyone gets all pumped and excited, remember, this is still pretty vague. For all I know it could be Cristian Castro, Grammy Award-nominated Mexican pop singer. Actually, having a plot that involves a pop singer in globe-spanning deniable operations sounds pretty awesome.

4.- Killstreaks won't count towards themselves.
Killstreaks went from being a nice little bonus that you would get from either skill or luck to some nefarious, over the top shenanigans that quickly team-killed fun. Unless, of course, you're the one kill-streaking. NO! NO! NO! It's wrong, son! Like parking in the handicapped spot.
So in Black Ops, kills earned with a killstreak won't count towards your next killstreak. No more of this Missile>Choppa>BOOMLOL! hijinks that cause vile profanity to spew forth from the maws of gamers everywhere.

3.- Shotguns are back!
Shotguns are back to being a primary weapon.  This means we can bling them out in different colors AND pack a sidearm along with them.  Some of the best 1 vs 1 firefights that I had in CoD4:MW was when I shotgunned a dude into near death and then quickly switched to my pistol to finish them off before they could do the same. It was tense, it required skill and it was challenging. However, I expect them to be weak and with no range as usual, despite this, I like the challenge that using them brings. I <3 CoD Shotguns.

2.- Dress up.
Did you see the crazy amount of stuff you can do with your character, your emblem and even the art in your gun and its reticle? Holy crap. This is awesome. I am going to have the most awesome soldier dude EVER! and his gun is going to have hearts in it through which it spreads the love only bullets can bring.

1.- This.
Black Ops' biggest surprise is hidden in the main menu.  Click ahead if you dare to watch a video showing something that I thought was pretty wild. This is some crazy shit. Some sweet, sweet shit.


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    13 years, 6 months ago

    My little niece gets 20 kills a game in call of duty, and shes 8. I cant believe people still buy this horse shit. About 8 million to be exact.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Cristian Castro in this game!? Victory song:Nunca Voy a Olvidarte

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    The game is really good.Luckely it leaked on the web 3 weeks ago ; p
    SP is way longer and actually memorable with different setpieces.
    I don't understand this sites hatred towards Treyarch.
    Course Carlos doesn't count because Carlos&gt;4pp. Just saying.

  • Avatar
    13 years, 6 months ago

    I'm surprised to actually see love towards CoD from some one on this sight. I wish I had money. Its gonna be refreshing to play a CoD with pretty much no bullshit (for the most part)

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    Joseph Christ
    13 years, 6 months ago

    "4.- Killstreaks won’t count towards themselves."

    THIS! One thousand times over...THIS. Number one best improvement to the multiplayer.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I've held back buying Black Ops for two reasons. One, I want to see a lot of reviews and opinions regarding the game before I buy it. And two, I'm waiting for my gift card code to come in so I can have another $5 credit, in which I'll have $15 total to knock off on Black Ops's price.

    5) Now I haven't played every Call Of Duty game, but the fact that you could potentially kill a person that is in real world history is interesting. Sure fictional, engaging characters are fun, but sometimes you just wanna kill a "real" person for a change. (Wait a minute...that didn't come out right.)

    4) Yes, killstreaks were things that made gameplay more fun, either for dominating other players or turning the tide of battle in your favor. Bottom line, most people love it if they're the ones getting the killstreaks and hate it when anyone else is using them. But I absolutely love the idea of killstreaks not counting towards themselves. It'll hopefully make multiplayer more balanced and based on skill and not on camping, or boosting, or...why haven't they improved on those areas yet?

    3) I do miss Shotguns as a primary class because sometimes I want to use them along with another kind of awesome side arm such as a machine pistol. But, I do hope even though it's not likely to happen, shotguns are still part of secondary weapons as well. The reason I say this is because, back in COD4, I didn't like the fact that my only side arm were handguns. When MW2 introduced, machine pistols, launchers, handguns, and shotguns as secondary weapons, it gave a variety of ways to deal some pain to other players, depending on your playing style. I'd hate to see Black Ops lose some of that variety even though it's just one class of weapons and probably isn't that big of a deal or there's something that Black Ops provides that compensates for it.

    2) Again, when I started playing MW2 and saw the variety of ways you could customize your loadout, I was excited. Now not only can you do that, but being able to customize yourself as well just adds another aspect of making your character your own and standing out as a unique player in the online community.

    1) I certainly don't mind extras at all, in fact I demand it. But if another game is hidden as an extra as well, than that's just awesome.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Sounds like you want me to pay Kotick 60 bucks for another installment of the same game. Tempting? Not really.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I really want this game...
    But I don't want to support Activision by giving them my money.
    Dilemma. What do I do?

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I have one, kinda off topic thing to say.

    Can people please stop writing Xbox, XBox? It looks so weird and makes it seem like you don't know what you are talking about.

    Sorry for that.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I could most likely give 10 reasons why you shouldn't play this game, but hey, I'm not the reviewer.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    lol, that arcade game actually looks ten times cooler than the actual black ops =D

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    This franchise should just die already

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Not to mention that the main character isn't just some mute potato who's only thoughts are "KILL KILL KILL". But rather a living human being with emotions and a voice who is being tortured by his own repressed memories and his obsession for revenge.

    Oh...and the zombies...

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Dead Ops is extremely addictive.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    The little extra arcade game just reminds me of ''I MA3D A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBI3S 1NNT!!11 OnE!'' but with better graphixxx. Even has dual stick.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    i was just playing black ops a few hours ago and i really enjoyed it! i thought it was amazing how u can create ur own emblem. the gameplay was very nice to i really liked the new attachments to some of the guns like the flamethrower!!! simply genius!

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    wow I still can't believe people think that if they don't buy this game it will hurt activision

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    So. I've been playing some Black Ops far it's pretty meh. The games seem really, really laggy, more so than other shooters I've been playing recently.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Damn I may have to get this now

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    13 years, 5 months ago

    The campaign is straight up Michael Bay movie. Every other mission your helicopter gets shot down or you need to blow up "this many things"

    And its fucking 'rad.

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    13 years, 5 months ago

    I've got a better one.
    5 reasons why you should HATE Black Ops.
    1. Uninspired multiplayer and singleplayer: this is THE EXACT SAME GAME YOU'VE BEEN PLAYIING SINCE '07
    2. Shit community of hate-mongering teenagers and DUDE BRAH fratboys returning.
    3. Story is so cliche and filled with plot holes it's straight out of a Michael Bay movie.
    4. Limited modding potential, restricted dedicated servers, and overpriced DLC
    5. Greater market share for Activision will lead to a greater number of uninspired FPSes. Compare the number of truly great RTSes, RPGes, racing games, etc. you've played recently to the number of different times you've played "Gears of Halo" in say, the past 6 months.