There hasn't been a lot about this title. It wasn't until recently that the name was announced. Then at PAX a teaser was shown. Then gameplay footage started coming out. Finally at TGS, it was playable.

So to give you a basic gist of Mega Man Universe, it's going to be a downloadable title for XBLA and PSN. It'll feature the ability to create custom stages using reimagined assets from games like Mega Man 2. You'll also have the ability to play as different characters ranging from the different styles Mega Man has encompassed over the years as well as some custom made characters from the Mega Man Universe, get it? I've also read in interviews that you'll be able to create your own characters and while you won't be able to share those characters online, you will be able to share the stages.

Without trying to completely dump on one of my favorite franchises from one of my favorite developers, this game did not look good. I'm still completely surprised at why the game does not have a better look to it. It's running on a current gen-system but with 2.5-D PSP models. The stages feel empty and dated. I feel almost no personality from this title. The only real change is the new angry Mega Man character, which after seeing the game, I can share his displeasure.

But to be fair, it did feel really early, like almost too early to be shown at a trade show but I guess what else did Capcom have that was new?

So immediately right off the bat. The game plays like Mega Man Powered Up. Big, Hulking, and Animated. I had huge problems with that game mainly due to the delay it took for your character to start running. There was a slight pause from when you pressed on the control pad to when your character on screen began moving. I've always felt that I was the only person to experience this problem. Possibly this was because I've played almost all the Mega Man games since the first on NES. I'd really like to know if anyone else had these problems please let me know because I'm beginning to think I'm crazy.

The best way I can explain this is using Brad's Assassin's Creed Argument where the designer sacrifices character movement abilities to make character movement look fluid and realistic. There are start up animations or ones to show the character turning around. These are huge problems because it makes pinpoint timed jumps extremely difficult. For the sake of not making this a Powered Up Discussion, I'll just give one example that happened to me while playing the demo. As Mega Man, I was jumping off a ledge to land on a small moving platform far below me. The height from the jump was so great that the game registered a landing animation where the impact would cause Mega Man's body to stagger forward with basic physics. This animation of course cause me to stagger forward right off the platform to my death. Something no player should have to deal with.

After playing the demo the second time on a different day, I was about to leave completely frustrated and worried, when I noticed two gentleman standing in front of the Mega Man Universe Booth. They were watching over it much like Igarashi Koji and Kamiya Hideki had in previous years. So I assumed they were involved with the project. After about 15 minutes of debating whether or not to make an ass of myself, I decided to approach them about my worries. I introduced myself as a fan of the Mega Man series and someone who was concerned with certain problems. In a combination of my best Japanese and English, I explained that the stickiness of the character caused problems with movement. The man who had introduced himself as the programmer of the title relayed to me that they were aware of the problem and that there was still much to be done before the final release. I thanked him and wished him the best with his project.

So here's how I feel about that entire situation. Going in, I did not want to make an ass of myself. I'm a fan of the series. I am fully aware that fans come off as these die hards that don't want their game changed or sullied by implementations to keep them fresh. I was trying to avoid that as much as possible. But also, here I was in Japan at TGS. As someone who is a fan that notices something wrong with a title, could I live with myself if I didn't offer my two cents with the possibility that it might make the game better?

With that said, the pessimist in me knows that it didn't change a damn thing. Why would a designer just listen to something that a random person at TGS said to him? It did surprise me a bit to hear him say that they were aware of the problem but I could also see that as a defense mechanism.

Ultimately, I will keep an eye out for the game. When the demo comes out, I'll play it. If there's even one scent of that running animation pause, I won't be buying it. But for those who might be interested in the title don't forget there are other Capcom playable characters like Ryu and Arthur. It really sucked not having them playable. I think that would have really been something to show, as they are what is making this not just another Mega Man game. Can you imagine what other Capcom characters might be added to this game? It would be like Marvel vs Capcom all over again. Think up anyone your heart desires.

Now ruin that by knowing their probably going to be DLC for the game.


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    Dr Greenman
    14 years, 5 months ago

    Why does DLC ruin it?

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    14 years, 5 months ago

    Bad box art Megaman is one ugly fucker, I want to punch him so hard.

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    14 years, 5 months ago

    I've always wanted a "make your own Mega Man" game, but Powered-Up's creation tools felt way too limited. It was sweet that all the DLC was free, though.

    Anyways, I'd gladly pay 60 bucks for an 8-bit Mega Man stage creator with assets from all the 8 bit games.

    Also, Capcom, Mega Man X 9 with 16-bit SNES graphics. I want it. Now.