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Spicy Horse, American McGee's current development studio, announced the sequel to American McGee's Alice well over a year ago. Besides an interesting little concept piece depicting a steam powered snail we were left with pretty much nothing else regarding the title. Today EA and Spicy Horse have decided to prove that Alice is still very much alive with a trailer, screenshots, and concept art. Alice: Madness Returns is the official title, dropping the usual American McGee stamp. Though don't worry fans, McGee is still very much involved in the project.
In the original game traumatic events drove Alice into a suicidal fit. She was eventually declared clinically insane and institutionalized. Alice traveled to Wonderland in order to regain her sanity. After overcoming her dementia Alice had put her past behind her. Unfortunately the past has a habit of catching up with us. Set 11 years after the original game Alice is still suffering from bouts of madness. She ventures once again into Wonderland in an effort to better understand her history and hopefully conquer the roots of her insanity. Unfortunately Wonderland is just as chaotic as she had left it.
Wonderland's environments range from colorful forests to organ strewn corridors. Its residents are no different. Such as the Queen's card guards who look decomposed and sport heart-shaped cutouts in their torsos. This does leave me wondering what they'll do with most of the original residents from the first game. A good percentage of which who are dead. Will other characters from the Alice fiction make their debut or will old favorites reappear to wreak havoc once again. Only time will tell. For now I'm just glad to see that Alice's return to Wonderland is as beautiful and morbid as I'd hoped it'd be.
Alice: Madness Returns will be available for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 in 2011.
14 years, 6 months ago
To me (a person with absolutely no history with this series), this looks like one of those games where a developer tries to bring back a beloved series, but then fails horribly.
No offence to you, Corvus, or anybody else looking forward to this game.
14 years, 6 months ago
I hope they game explain what had transpired in the first Alice game because i always like to be in the loop of what is going on. The art design and characters look good if there a sale on this game i will be picking this up thanks corvus
14 years, 6 months ago
YEEEES! (Thorgasm)
I still want to see the movie of Alice, hope it's better than that disgrace Tim Burton made.
14 years, 6 months ago
I'm not fond of the developer at all but at least they are trying something new and interesting hopefully.
14 years, 6 months ago
I'll keep an open mind, but at first glance it looks like a quick grab at the Hot Topic crowd's cash. Yes, I realize it's a sequel for an existing game from several years back, but why make it now? I'm betting Tim Burton's Alice movie had a lot to do with that decision.
14 years, 6 months ago
I like how it's a darker twist in a lighter hearted story of madness. I'm very intrested in how the rest of this game will look and play.
14 years, 6 months ago
Dang it, ow did I miss the first game? I feel gyped, like a part of my life is missing. I love the whole Alice/Wonderland story, here's to hoping that this game is awesome.
14 years, 6 months ago
14 years, 6 months ago
I never got into the first one at all, was it any good?
14 years, 6 months ago
Yes! ive been waiting for this!
14 years, 6 months ago
The only thing I'm scratching my head about, is the whole "11 years later" note. At first glance, counting from thew timeline of the first one (which, I'm not sure about, but will assume was 10 years after the fire) I should think she was around 7 or 7 and a half (the age of Alice in the first book, 7 and a half in Through the Looking Glass), 10 years later is around 17, or for some strange feeling she might've been 19 *shrug*. 11 MORE years would make her 28 ro 30...that doesn't really sound right, but I could be wrong. Then I looked on the site and read it again, and it wasn't clear at all on where they start counting the extra 11 years. THERE it sounded to me they meant 11 years after the fire, not the first game, which would make her a much more reasonable 18 to 20.
Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm super excited even though I have yet to play the first game myself being I was too young when it came out, and after watching a Let's Play a couple years ago, I wanted in. I just loved the story, meaning and representation throughout the entire thing. Unfortunately, the only place I can find it these days is eBay where these scrum are trying to sell it for around $100, after taking out the special Mental Records that come with it! Slurk that! I continue my search for a reasonably priced copy with everything intact so I can finally play...
Sorry, drifting off subject again...I can only hope this sequal will stay true to it's roots and still keep the hauntingly clever story rather than just being "Ragh! Blood, gore, we took a regularly children's story and 'twisted' it!" I have hope though since they seem to take a differently dark beginning in Wonderland itself, by starting off colorful and bright as she left it while still being "off." From what I see, during her journey there's going to be a lot of revisiting, meaning returning to Queensland to find the fortress in the Heart of Darkness in near ruin, running into slain card guards, and maybe characters that were "fixed" or "revived" slowly getting worse and fall back into old habits again (Namely, the Mad Hatter).
14 years, 6 months ago
I had a lot of fun with the original game so I'll guess I'll have fun with this one too. This looks amazing by the way. It's been awhile since I've seen some creative levels in a video game.
14 years, 6 months ago
I never even heard of the first one, what systems was it for?
14 years, 6 months ago
Now this just helps make may day here. I look forward to the new game!
14 years, 6 months ago
Not yet played the original but I'm still excited
14 years, 6 months ago
I think this series is trying to capitalize on the recent "Wonderland" craze that followed the Tim Burton movie
14 years, 6 months ago
I don't know why, but I feel they are too little, too late. Everyone long and forgot this series, so who's to say people would care to buy this game and who thinks it will be a big step up from the first one? I have currently 0% faith in this game, so I only hope they can prove me wrong.
14 years, 6 months ago
oh this looks cool
14 years, 2 months ago
This really looks and sounds like an awesome game. I'll have to get it for PS3 when it comes out. I'd better finish the first though...