Bathe thine self in the ludicrous scandalocity that is this leaden tempest.  Watch it in HD.

You see that shit?

At the end of the video it looks like he SHOT A MONKEY at that one dude! It's actually a chain but, goddamn it, it looked like a monkey to me. I blame my enthusiasm for that one observational mistake.  It's easy to get carried away once you're looking at something as intense as this.

I have a couple more things to say...

From the footage, this game makes me think of Serious Sam, of Borderlands, and for some reason, Tony Hawk. There's a dude running around, sliding on the floor only to kick another dude away in a slow-mo reminiscent of Dead Space's stasis to then pump him full of lead while points and accolades are flying around everywhere. Points are earned by pulling off crazy 'stunts': Headshots, multi-kills, environmental kills, chain reactions, that kind of stuff.   Those points are then spent to upgrade your character and weapons, giving the player an incentive to out-crazy their previous engagements.  Plot-wise it's something like this: A space pirate that once worked for the space government is out for space revenge, and ends up stranded in this crazy planet with weird plants and stuff.   His government "buddies" are also there and a fight for survival and revenge ensues. This is cool because it gives us two enemy factions; Confederation soldiers and the planet's wildlife.

I really dig the big, open, colorful environments, and it looks like there will be some cool giant boss fights as well.  For now it seems like it's going to be a fun action game, good to blow off some steam.  I hope there's sufficient depth in its point and leveling system that when you tell yourself you'll only play for a few minutes, you end up playing for quite a bit; trying to get that new upgrade, or one-upping your previous combo high-score.

There's a couple things that bug me, tough. First off: That lady person I assume is an NPC or selectable character, well...she looks like a doll. And that's not a compliment; look at this.

I kind of want to tilt her backwards to see if her eyes close on their own.....eeeeeeeeeeeiiii.  And second complaint, mostly at shooters nowadays. Why is it that most shooters released now have this aim down the sights thing? Sure, it fits fine in some 'more realistic' games but in a game like this, it's unnecessary.  This mechanic was included in Borderlands and although it did help out every now and then, by the time you' re using crazy weapons that shoot out shotguns there's no need to aim carefully! I just think that left trigger could be used for something else. Specially with a game that's going to have kicks, sliding kicks, energy lassos and God knows what else.

And last of all. Someone should take me up on that explosive monkey idea. Think about it; since the ammunition is monkeys, you can only carry say, two at a time. On  your back. In a cage. Instant kill though. And it takes forever to reload; damn monkeys don't want to go in the gun that easily.



Man! You know what just came to my mind?
This game has got to have some sweet multiplayer.
Not deathmatch, mind you, but other cool game-modes, like Tony Hawk.
If you're already grinding in dude's heads as they fly through the air, why not have some friends over?
Start a game where each player has six rockets or so and a dozen dudes to fight. See who can rack up the highest score. Or play a game of Horse. Or volleyball.


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    13 years, 12 months ago

    LOL! The monkey would be kick ass! And yeah the girl looks.... just.... blah. And a little creepy too.

    Getting serious now, I saw (and read), the feature for Bulletstorm in this month's Game Informer. Based on the pictures alone, it took me a while to actually read the article as it didn't seem all that interesting to me. Then I read the article, and I still wasn't all that interested. And now I've seen this video, and I have to say, now I'm interested. I'm interested in it the way that I'm currently addicted to Bayonetta: insanity ensues and I love it. This game also reminds me a bit of Fallout 3 with all the people parts flying, or disintegrating, all over the place. I must confess, the first time I saw such things in Fallout 3 in V.A.T.S. I was a little freaked out. But then I became addicted to it and ended up enjoying it entirely way to much. I have now accepted this fact about myself, and it seems that it will benefit me in the future when I play this game.

    I know this will probably be redundant, but I think this game, from what I've seen in the trailer, would be hella fun with multiplayer, or at least coop. How cool would it be to do some sort of team combo and watch the chaos it causes and all the people bits flying around? I'll go ahead and answer that for you: LOADS OF FUN!

    I just hope the game actually plays as good as it seems to. If it manages to do that, I think we've got on hell of a ride :)

    Thanks for the great post Carlos!

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    13 years, 12 months ago

    color me interested.

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    13 years, 12 months ago

    The game looks great, and I hope they pull off something good with the multiplayer.

    Also, fuck yeah nine inch nails.

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    13 years, 12 months ago

    A mindless, crazy, off-the-wall shooter? I'm up for that. The trailer certainly got me excited. It reminded me of Borderlands (Which I loved) but it also reminded me of "The Club" or "Wet" (Which I hated). To be fair though, I've never played The Club but it seemed to fit this game in some way.

    By the looks of the trailer, some form of progression or at least score tracking, comes from the way that you kill enemies in the game. This would be okay if it was done in a really good way and not in the way that it becomes the center focus of both games like "Wet" and "The Club".

    Wet focused on gameplay that was from pulling off acrobatic moves while killing people. At times this was fun, but ultimately failed with clunky controls and perhaps the worst final boss sequence (If I could even call it that), with the worst quick time events I've ever seen.

    The Club was simply a game that progression was from chaining up as many kills as you could get in a set amount of time. While as fun of a mechanic as it sounds, the fact that it wasn't a portion of the whole game, but the whole damn thing, the game ends up being a giant $60 time trial mode where aiming for the highest score possible is the only thing you do.

    I know it sounds like I'm just ranting about two other games, especially when this trailer for Bulletstorm seems to have much more than both those games put together and then some, but I'd like to see this game become more than just a killing mechanic. I guess I only feel this way because the trailer only shows "that" aspect of the game and one boss fight. I understand that they don't want to reveal too much of the game except perhaps for the key factors to get us excited but it sometimes makes me feel like I'm reliving a Vietnam War flashback (aka Wet).

    Bottom line, I want this game to be awesome. It looks like a lot of reckless fun but I certainly want it to at least have some substance as well. The trailer is promising though. I hope there's at least a giant variety of how to take out enemies and multiplayer sounds like an okay idea, especially with a game like this. I have high hopes for the game now and I really wish it doesn't disappoint.

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    13 years, 12 months ago

    More powerful than



    and Pacific storm combined

    Bullet Storm will need to do more than a fancy trailer before I reserve it

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    13 years, 12 months ago

    Doesn't look like my kind of game, but Nine Inch Nails in the trailer had me watch all the way through

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    13 years, 12 months ago

    That music helped get me excited. I want to get my hands on this.

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    Yin Starrunner
    13 years, 11 months ago

    Looks like an awesome throwback to FPS games of old where the main focus wasn't on realism or "cinematic experiences", but more about making the player feel like a badass at every possible time. I loved Painkiller, here's hoping this willb e just as good.