I'm really having a hard time getting my head around this one. Dead Space was my number 2 game of last year and I adore this new IP. However, seeing a prequel developed on an inferior platform as a rail shooter seems totally unproductive to me. I really can't decide if I will play this game or not. I walked by the demo at least a dozen times at E3 and never had the urge to play it. I will definitely give it a go at PAX though. What do you think?



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    Jam Toast
    15 years, 3 months ago

    i think it looks ok nick its probally worth picking up at a reasonable price but I would'nt get it right away.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    I'm not a fan of on-rail-shooters. Rails suck every last drop of adventure out of games. Imagine if Metroid Prime was on rails.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    If anything Nick, you'll probably dig it storywise since that's something that the guys at Visceral are putting a lot of effort towards it. It looks alright for a arcade shooter, but then again I like games like Time Crisis and House of the Dead.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    Anyone else think it's getting obnoxious how many prequels Visceral is making, or at least being a part of? Downfall, this, and the comic are all prequels (I think the comic might be a novelization of the game)...when are they going to ADVANCE the plot? Love the first game, though.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    I don't think Visceral knows where to go next in the story, so they're just going to keep going back in time in the Deadspace universe until we get to now.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    Seems to me their doing what Resident Evil does and complimenting the main games with a back-story revealing rail shooter. Problem is that the main series isn't established enough to stop it from feeling... meh.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    I agree with you in that the Wii is an inferior system. And on rails do suck so much ass.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    Y'know, I get a very Cloverfield/[REC.] vibe from all the videos I've seen of Extraction.

    While it does dissapoint me that they went the Rail Shooter route with the game, at least they seem to be putting effort into the developement of it. At the very worst it'll come out as a fun but otherwise soon forgettable addition to the growing franchise. And yes, even for an on rails shooter Wii game, thouse graphics are kick ass.

    Also, I hope they don't reference that PoS Downfall film. Fucks up the continuity and story telling in the ass, and apart from some OTT kills isn't a good animated feature. Just ignore that crap Visceral.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    He's a PS.. It's a Wii game it'll sell like dirt anyway. Madworld anyone? I'm sure if it was on a real console it would have sold.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    Marrying horror and rail shooter is like marrying Hitler to Rabbi Meir Kahane. The two are completely different and clash in every way possible. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

    There's no point in filling us in on what "key characters" in the story were doing because nobody cares about them, because there was absolutely no development in ANYONE'S character. Not that there was much depth between the lot of them to begin with, it seems.

    I don't want to find out what happened when the infection started; that's what made Dead Space so damn creepy. I feel like if I play this game, then go back and play Dead Space again, I'm going to walk through a corridor with organic shit growing on it, and I'll say, "oh, I remember when they explained this part in the prequel", instead of "what the hell is this? Why is this here? Man this is some creepy shit!"

    At least when Resident Evil did this, they didn't even try to disguise it as a horror game. The tone was, in the words of Yahtzee Croshaw, "zombies over there, kill they ass." Now we have these pretentious sods telling us that the Dead Space rail shooter is creepy because of the things it does with the camera. That works in THEORY. So does Communism. It was only scary when they did that in the Blair Witch Project because the kids were de-fucking-fenseless and had no backup plan or way to escape. These guys have guns, and they know exactly how to stop the zombies. And they are zombies.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    I don't know, but from what I've seen from Condemned: 1st person is generally scarier than 3rd person.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    can't say that I am overly interested in this game. Dead Space was enjoyable for the most part, but an on-rails "shooter" on the Wii is not really something I could be interested in, especially since that tends to come out as a glorified mouse cursor rather than a more involving light-gun game where your shots are more satisfying due to you needing to actively aim yourself.

    As for the deep storyline, Dead Space was interesting and the way it scattered clues about helped enhance the atmosphere and the sense of isolation. Though the plot was kind of marred by the pretty awful anime which had numerous plot inconsistencies and was hopefully non-canonical.

    Dead Space itself did have a number of plot issues, from the apparant tangible effects of hallucinations at times to the ending which kind of disappointed me. It was surprising, but largely because it was somewhat illogical and felt more like a dramatic twist for the sake of it rather than a well conceived and developed one.

    I liked the vitality display on Isaac's engineering rig. It was good from a gameplay interface standpoint and made a degree of sense in the world having them displayed to co-workers in possible vacuum conditions. It kind of grates on me seeing everyone running around with health displays built into their everyday jackets and shirts in this trailer.

    Overall I enjoyed Dead Space, it had an okay plot which just kind of teases you with small bits of information in the various logs. I do fear that making a prequal and revealing everything will basically make it rather uninteresting, especially since the less you know in horror, the better the atmosphere and sense of dread tends to be.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    I have no problem at all with this. I love the Wii and i haven't played enough on-rail shooters to know whether i like them or not, but i have played House of the Dead 2 and 3 and i love them. I think this game will be good too. I didn't really find Dead Space that scary. It did scare me a couple of times, but not nearly enough for it to be "one of the scariest games ever" like i've heard some people say. Maybe if they use the camera this way i might find it scary.

    And are some of you seriously complaining that its a prequel and it will tell/show you how everything happened? I'm pretty sure throughout most of the game you were thinking, "What the fuck happened here?" What would be the point of asking that question if you didn't give a fuck? And if you actually read those text logs, then that means you were actually interested in the story. So why the hell would the story become less interesting if they tell you more of it?

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    Doesn't look too bad, worth a rent atleast.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    I'll give it a rent just to beat it, but Rail games are never worth buying to me

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    This looks actually quite a cool experience to play, I'd rent it if the game play turns out to be fun, because those in game cutscenes were pretty well done, and I do like the how they do the atmosphere in the whole series.

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    15 years, 3 months ago

    Hey it could be like killer7... without the art style. If its done well it could end up being really good but i don't know about it being a prequel as that spoils some of the mystery of the originals story.

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    15 years, 1 month ago

    I thought this game would be the shit....turned out to br a shitty ass rail-shooter!!! Stop making good games into POS like a rail! If i wanna play a fucken rail-shooter i'll go to a damn arcade!