I love puzzle league, I love 2d action adventure games, and I love robots. I hate that I don't have a DS right now. This game will be released on March 17th here in the States.

So the game works like sort of like this. When playing the action game on the top screen, the puzzle game on the bottom is slowly moving up. This happens in all puzzle league games (which is the core design for the puzzle game). If anything, this game is a brilliant fix for my biggest problem with Puzzle League; that is you have to wait for the blocks to rise up to the top of the screen to pull off amazing combos. Now you have a game to play while your waiting!

You might be worried that the game has too much going on, but fear not. When you are down on the puzzle screen making combos, the action on the top screen is paused. So you will occasionally pop down to the puzzle screen if you need power ups, health, or if the screen is getting too full. The puzzle is important to clear, because as you saw in the video, if the blocks hit the top of the screen, they come back as enemies.

Henry Hatsworth
looks fantastic. My only worries are that it is a Western developed DS game which usually lacks that extra layer of care and polish a lot of handheld games that come from Japan often receive. After watching the interview though, it seems the developer really does care about this "side project" that became a full game. Looks promising to me.

Also, way to go EA on green-lighting this project and throwing it some support and money.

