Today a gentleman came into the video game retailer that I work at. He asked about Halo Wars which came out and then asked to purchase a copy of the newly released RTS. He collected his keys, belongings and was ready to leave when he turned and asked.

"When does Street Fighter IV come out?"

To which I replied, "It's already out. It came out a couple weeks ago."

I could see the wheels turning. He was thinking about something. Maybe he was having second thoughts about the purchase already made. Maybe he wanted to return his strategy experience for a rematch with nostalgia. 

He seemed undecisive so I offered to let him look at the box. He glanced over it and with a determined look on his face offered up...

"I'll take this too."

I smiled. "It's a lot to spend in one day, huh?"

"Yeah, but my wife loves Street Fighter. Let me get the guide for her also."

I wrote about this not because I was surprised about a woman liking street fighter or that the game was not for him. I thought this relevant because there's still hope for a guy like me.

Someone who is awkward with presents and feelings. I feel like a phoney buying flowers for anyone except my mother. It's a weird feeling that I'm still trying to get over. But if there's a chance that I could buy a copy of Street Fighter and have it mean the same thing. 

Thank You God,
