So I was in my local used game shop today, and as I was standing in front of the PSP section with a 7 dollar Ratchet and Clank game in my hand when I suddenly realized something. I already have a ton of great games for my PSP and I have never beaten a single one. I have pretty much started every game that I have for the handheld, but most of them wouldn't even qualify as surface scratches. With that said, I do love my Lumines device, but I realize now that I'm actually missing out on plenty of great opportunities that I already have.

This is a list of games I would love to get through this year on my PSP:

Crisis Core
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
Metal Gear Acid 1
Metal Gear Acid 2
Field Commander (aka Advance Wars PSP)
Phantasy Star 4 (Genesis Collection)
Jeanne D'Arc
Valkyrie Profile
Monster Hunter Freedom 2
Final Fantasy Tactics: WotL
Puzzle Quest
Wipeout Pure
Burnout Legends
Castlevania Chronicles and other PS1 downloads.

edit: Ok I did beat Dracula X Chronicles

Am I just a jaded moron? These are actually good games. Anyway, expect to see some PSP play on the feed in the coming weeks. It's time to stop the neglect.

