Don't forget guys, we will be recording our first "Game Club" or "4PP Revival" Podcast at the end of January. For our first episode, we will be discussing the merit of "Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath" for the original Xbox. If you would like to take part in the discussion, I encourage everyone to go out and pick up the game and play it (keeping in mind that the game is not backwards compatible). I will be accepting emails and forum responses regarding any thoughts about the game to be read on the show. The show will be in the last few days of January so there is still some time to pick it up and play.

On that note, we are currently brainstorming which games we would like to play through for future episodes of our "Revival" podcast. We need your help. Which games would you like us to take into consideration? There are a few guidelines though. The games we play need to be:

- Relatively accessible
- Can be on any console, but PS1 and later are more likely to be picked.
- The game needs to have some merit. We wont be playing Spongebob Squarepants... We want to consider games that are good and sometimes, under appreciated.
- Needs to be more than a year old

With that said, give us some ideas! Let us know what you want to hear. If you have any questions or thoughts regarding this new podcast or "Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath", send them to:

Or, check out the forum thread at: Official "Oddworld: Strangers Wrath" Thread

