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So tomorrow is the infamous "Black Friday", a day that we endure every single year in which millions of people drag their ass out to their favorite retailers at 4 in the morning to try and get their grubby little mits on some cheap, big-ticket items. I myself, have to work at 7 in the morning so I am currently preparing myself to endure the thousands of inevitable "Wii system" and "Wii Fit" customers as they bombard the store at ungodly hours. Don't get me wrong, i'm not bitter, in fact I usually enjoy working on this day but I can't help but feel like it gets crazier and crazier each year. I also realize that I could be out shopping for stuff myself! So here is the question, what deals will 4PP followers be trying to get their hands on tomorrow? Seriously people, I want to spend some money tomorrow! Tell me what you have your eye on and where it can be found?