Come on. Seriously? Why are we all still worried about Zelda: OOT? There is little evidence to support the fanboy claims of it being the best Zelda, so why do we keep bitching about it?
Why is Mario 64 still the best 3D Mario?
Banjo Kazooie?
Final Fantasy VII?
This might be a leap, but since we are all stuck on the subject of fanboy's, their reasoning on choosing this game, and the likes, I might as well add some thought.

I believe, to an extent, that Video Games have come as far as they can go in all honesty. There is really no jump left other than virtual reality. Sure we can revamp old games, sure we can make the graphics shinier and prettier. Controls tighter. Stories more relevant to how society is today. And this is all nice, but this is no change whatsoever to the actual game and how it is perceived. One may argue that the Wii changes this, but I think Brad made a good point by saying in our last dinner time podcast how, and this is not a direct quote, the wiimote is not more of a game changing item, but a way to change how you play the same game. That makes sense. So what is there left? Nothing really.

We hold on to the games that made the most change in the industry. All fan boys are attached to something that made a difference in the gaming world. And I think the most prevalent changes are the most obvious ones. Those from 2D to 3D. While it is easy to say Nastalgia is the cause of most fan boyism, I believe it is more based on how the game that has such a group of fans has made sure its design, whether that be gameplay, graphics, or the way they tell stories, is significantly different than any predecessor.
Half-Life changed story telling
Final Fantasy, Mario, Zelda changed graphics
Castlevania: SOTN and games such as Banjo Kazooie changed gameplay.
Since these games changed the world of gaming in one way or another, they are somethings which deserved to be kept around.

Zelda: OOT is the best Zelda game. Sorry Brad. It is.
OOT Made an impact on the video game community, and how games are made.
It could easily be argued that Twilight is the better game, and why not? Because it is everything OOT dreamed of being right? No. It is the exact game as OOT, just new and shinier. It is not a game upon itself. It is OOT Reincarnate. Sure, you have wolf form, you have better graphics, the last boss fight is on a horse. All that is nice and cool and whatever... But what it comes down to is this, it held no place in anyones heart. You may deem it a superior game, but it still lacks any fan base whatsoever. It is just a sequel that no one really cared about.

A real game that deserves praise is the one that people adore for... well, ever. And the ones that do this are the ones that make significant changes. OOT.
Twilight is not this, it is OOT.
While my logic is probably a little skewed
and my thoughts a little wavy
and my paragraphs doing whatever the hell they want....
deal with it.
