GameFAQs/Sonic Unleashed

Actual quotes:

Which makes me wonder, if most reviewers loved God of War, why are they poo-pooing the werehog stages so much?

**** the critics. Sega made an engine more powerful than Ferrari.

One of the greatest games you'll ever play! Sonic is back in action, and shining bright!

I think Sega should put up a case against them. (to IGN)

They overdo their criticizing. Seems fun to me, so I'll be picking up the PS3 version later

$20.95 on Amazon!!

I love it true! One of the best games to come out in YEARS! (Sonic or not)

I would like to slap the critics in the face for the bashing they have given this game.

Do not listen to critics and do not pay attention to the stupid reviews they gave about this game because all the major sites like GAME and have there pockets full of gold right now and you know why they have full pockets of gold , because they gave Sonic Unleashed a total average of 6.3 ranking.

I tell you guys that if you are a sonic fan or not, this game is a perfect game for all the gamers out there.It has the better graphics then any other xbox360 games, it has speed,
it has the best playbility a gamer could ever hope for, a very good story and many many more and also it is the best game for sonic fans.

Where does this take place in the Sonic Timeline?

And I saw a link to most important petition ever:

Looks like they finally made that Sonic game everyone was waiting for. ??

(edit) Please really think about these quotes before you guy buy this game.

