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So Mike and I have been working on trying to get a T-shirt made and ready. We've gone through a couple options like using an online distributor or using an online store like cafepress. We're trying our best to make something that's not going to cost you $25 a shirt so we're currently testing prototypes for shirts that we made ourselves. That's right, we've assembled a printing screen ourselves and have begun making a few test shirts to see how it looks and how the quality holds up. So we've decided to give away a few of these test shirts on a contest so we can get feedback on how you guys feel about them. If you want a chance to win a shirt (pictured above) all you have to do is email a picture of yourself in your Halloween Costume. There's really no criteria other than that. We just want to see how many people are still doing the costume thing for Halloween. We'll pick out winners for originality, game relatedness, or just plain cool factor. So here's what to do.
Email me the picture at with the subject as "4PP Halloween Contest." Make sure to include your JTV name, what your costume is about or depicting. Also, please specify if you want your photo shown to the public. We may pick the best ones to show on the blog or in the forum, but we'll only do so with your permission. So let us know which.
Here's the forum link so you guys can do your thing. [Forum]
We'll set the deadline for Sunday night so you'll have until basically next week to finish through your candy and hangovers to send the picture.
Have a safe Halloween,
PS - If we get over 40 entries, I'll post a picture of Nick in his Prince Charming Costume from 2 Halloween's ago. Sorry Nick.