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Everyone who watches the show probably knows by now that I prefer playing games on the PS3 as opposed to the Xbox 360. Unfortunately for me, I am rather fond of Achievements on the 360 and have been rather down on the fact that I can't get the same satisfaction on my favorite system. I do realize that Trophies have been out for awhile now but I have finally had a chance to play a game that implements the system. As you probably know, I picked up Dead Space this week on the PS3 and have finally started earning some trophies. Many people would probably argue that the concept of achievements is useless and unnecessary but I feel that it depends on the person and what they get out of playing games. For me, the concept is really cool because it gives me a sense of accomplishment that I can see and keep with me. In the old days, all you could really do was say: "I beat that game". Achievements/Trophies has officially changed the way we keep tabs on accomplishments within games. But how does Sony's Trophy System stand up to the ever popular Achievements? Here is my take.
First and foremost, let me explain how Trophies work for all those who don't know.