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This is why I am incredibly frustrated with the way this industry is headed. Take "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed", a game that was just released to a number of decent reviews and incredible sales in the first few weeks. I picked up the game. I played through the game from beginning to end. I enjoyed it for what it was, a glorified "hack n slash" title remeniscent of "God of War" but set in the Star Wars universe. The game did a magnificent job of tying the 2 trilogies together and left me satisfied overall by the end of the game. Expect my full review soon.
So here we are 2 weeks later. I am gearing up for my next big fall release and all of a sudden, Lucas Arts hits me over the head from behind with something big and heavy. Yes folks, the game will be extended soon with the addition of DLC that includes the ability to play through the game as Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Kit Fisto as well as an additional plotline to play through. Why the hell can't this content be included in the final retail copy of the game??!! I don't want to download it, I want to have it on my disc so I can play it on any system I pop it into!
This problem also relates to the recent announcement that Fable 2 will not include online co-op at launch but will instead add it through a patch within the first week of the games release! Now Lionhead is saying that the patch might be released on launch day!!!! Dammit Molyneux!!! Just delay the game a week or two and get that damn feature on the disc!!!! I beg of you! But of course, they can't do that because the game has already gone gold and is in the final stages of preparation for launch. Another game to fall victim to this trend is Little Big Planet which will not include online cooperative level editor at launch. This is just getting too frustrating for me to handle. I need to go punch something.