So I was making Lady, of Devil May Cry 3 fame, in Soul Calibur 4 the other day, as well as updated my PS3 profile with with a Lady/Trish background, and this prompted David and I into a conversation we have had before. He is interested in the character of Lady, but hasn't got around to playing Devil May Cry 3 yet. Normally I would tell David, or any other person for that matter, to just go play Devil May Cry 3; but then I realized something. We are not all masochists.

Devil May Cry 3 is hard. Too hard. Almost "bad" hard. That and it looks pretty ugly by today's standards. People should know about the hot badassery that is Lady without having to suffer through the painstakingly difficult game, much like one should not have to play the piece of shit that is Chrono Cross to hear its amazing soundtrack.

So to remedy this problem, I present you with the awesome Lady scenes from Devil May Cry 3. The last one contains a relatively minor spoiler, so be careful if you actually care about the story of a game most of you will never play.

Badass bike - check
Badass weapon - check
Badass outfit - check
Badass eyes - check
Badass hair - check
Badass moves - check
Badass lines - check
Extremely hawt - check check check

This is why we love her.

This may seem like an odd post, but I've had a sudden burst of Lady fever.


Oh yeah, she does make an appearance in Devil May Cry 4. Though the only thing that got smaller... was her roll in the game.
