Echochrome is the MC Escher inspired puzzle game that received a lot of buzz at GDC last year. The game has been released for both PS3 and PSP with a different set of levels in each. I downloaded the PSP version for 9.99 from the PlayStation Store. The goal in Echochrome is to navigate your character to a seemingly unreachable destination using perspective tricks on the environment by moving around the camera. This game is particularly difficult to explain in words so here is a quick video of some gameplay.

The game truly shines in terms of style and presentation. Both the visuals and controls are ultra minimalistic in a way that seems to elevate this game beyond the gaudy colored block puzzle games on other, simpler handhelds. Ok not really. But the fact you don't even have control over your character, just the camera, is kind of refreshing. Couple this with the classical music that plays during the stages and you now have a game you won't be afraid to show your socialite friends at your country club.

Echochrome presents you with a set of perspective rules at the beginning of the game and then throws you to the wolves. Conceptually the design is brilliant, but in practice I have run into some problems. The issue is not that these rules don't work, it's that the mechanics to get them to work are somewhat flawed. There are moments in a stage where I know what I have to do, for example connecting two blocks to form one path, but executing such maneuver can sometimes be difficult. I'll have to fiddle with the camera a little too much to finally get the pieces to connect. The stages can also be painstakingly difficult. You will be adjusting the camera mid jump in a lot of these puzzles.

I have only completed about a half dozen puzzles so I can't give my full opinion on the game just yet. I will post a review when I get through more of the levels and try some of the user created content.

