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11 years, 11 months ago
The description is about Metro. Just pointing it out. Glad you could finally touch Jeff, Joseph.
Great video, by the way. Your description of the game makes me want to play it. If only my stupid PS3 wasn't half broken. BUt we'll see how this desperation simulator does. Keep up the good work.
11 years, 11 months ago
Really like what I'm hearing from this game, absolutely going to love getting hold of a copy and playing it.
11 years, 11 months ago
I spent a lot of time exploring instead of trying to jet through. I was a lot more interested in the environment, exploration, crafting, as opposed to getting through the entire demo. There wasn't an abundance of ammo, but I wouldn't say it was extremely difficult to find. I'm going to go out on a limb though and say they included more ammo and crafting items because it was a demo. As for audio design, I couldn't agree more. It was brilliant and realistic. An empty building is eerily quiet. A heavy metal crate is going to make a lot of noise. Combine the two, and you have some phenomenal contrast. In a game where noise and sound are so crucial, it's a fantastic way to build tension. Contrast was a very simple, but effective, way to do it. For a pre-alpha demo, it looked pretty good. Camera was a little janky, but I've seen a lot worse. My excitement for this game has yet to dwindle! Hoorraayyy.