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It feels wierd hyping DLC for a game that is more than 2 months away from launch but that is exactly what Capcom intends to do with DmC. In case you forgot (though i'm sure you have not), DmC is the upcoming reboot of Devil May Cry that has been in development at Ninja Theory for the past 3 years and is scheduled to release on January 15, 2013. Of course, the game has been ripe with controversy since its unveiling but Capcom has (thankfully) chosen to remain true to their original vision. With only a few months left to go, Capcom has pulled the curtain back on a particular aspect of gameplay that has been rumored and speculated about for years.
While Virgil's (Dante's demonic brother) was confirmed to play a major role in the plot of DmC, fans of the series have wondered whether they would actually be able to play as the character for awhile now. Well it seems that players will not only be given the chance to play as the character once more but will also be given DLC story content that is exclusive to the character. The news is certainly welcome in my book but a darker, more diabolical twist lurks just below the surface of this seemingly good news. Check out the trailer to see what I mean...
Yeah... so about that last part... Capcom is using this fan favorite character to steal as many pre-orders as possible. While I am sure that the DLC will be available for purchase, it will be free for anyone who decides to shell out the $5 to pre-order the game at Gamestop or EB Games. I won't lie, I already have the game pre-ordered but this is yet another example of tacky business practice that I am sure won't do much to redeem this game in the eyes of its skeptics. Capcom is no stranger to these kinds of practices but it still irks me to see it happen.
As for the DLC itself, it certainly looks on par with typical Devil May Cry. Hopefully Virgil's combat will feel different enough to warrant the purchase of the content. I would buy this DLC based on story alone since Ninja Theory has arguably always been more about story presentation than gameplay mechanics. Hopefully they can manage to deliver on both levels.
What do you think about this news? Sound off in the comments below!
12 years, 4 months ago
Chances are. This might be Disc-Locked content,
12 years, 4 months ago
Goddamn Capcom, that's fucking low.
12 years, 4 months ago
Jules: "Describe what Marcellus Wallace looks like!"
Brett: "What, I-?"
Jules: (Pointing to his gun) "Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say what one more goddamn time."
Brett: "He's b-b-black."
Jules: "Go on."
Brett: "He's bald."
Jules: "Does he look like a bitch?"
Brett: "What?"
(Jules shoots Brett in the shoulder) Jules: "DOES HE LOOK LIKE A BITCH?"
Brett: "No!"
Jules: "Then why you try to fuck him like a bitch, Brett?"
Brett: "I didn't."
Jules: "Yes you did. Yes you did, Brett. You tried to fuck him. And Marcellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody, except Mrs. Wallace."
So Capcom why are you trying to fuck us like a bitch with DLC announcements for the game that is 2 month from the release?
12 years, 4 months ago much for text formatting.
12 years, 4 months ago
Looking at the EU Collectors Edition, this DLC wont even come with it. What kind of shit is that?
12 years, 4 months ago
That one trailer is infinately more interesting then every single trailer / news / video diary, that Ninja Theory put out.
Now I'm just throwing it out there - but why wasn't Virgil the main focus for this game's development from the get go. The possibilities for a story of Virgil, be it trapped in hell or other wise would offer such a fresh pallet and perhaps stood the chance of not engaging the wrath of a large percentage of the original series fans.