Setting out for E3 is always a whirlwind of anticipation and adrenalin, with a light peppering of worry. The upcoming PR blitz charges at you like a wall of data that must be massaged, congealed and quickly put into contrast. At the same time you're frantically wondering just what it is you've forgotten in your hurry to get out the door. For the life of you, you can't think of what it is, but that pit welling up in the bottom of your stomach tells you otherwise.

Finally there is the anticipation. The running mind. Churning in an attempt to peel back layers , and trying to divulge the mysteries we've either only gotten glance of, or simply haven’t seen at all. This, for me, is the best part. The speculation of the big names.


Having come off a much better year, we can be sure that Sony won't have much apologizing to do this time around. Sales of the PS3, however, have been lagging and they are also going to want to ensure that people come out of their press conference thinking that the Vita is something that they need to have. Expect A LOT of Vita hype from them this year, as well as probably announcing a few new social features for the PS3 to try and pick up sales. Perhaps an entirely new social hub might make an appearance. Something different than Home that is more geared toward players finding each other.

As for games, I'm going to guess that we'll be seeing a new Killzone announcement, and possibly the teaser trailer for another Uncharted (both Sony staples at this point). Also expect to see a bunch of the new God of War. Also, you can bet that any new titles are going to come with Vita integration in some way. With no new console announcement, it's going to be Vita, Vita, Vita.


They said that they wouldn't do it, but I have the strange feeling that Microsoft might actually do something to tease a new console. Maybe not a full reveal, but something. There has just been too much chatter over the past few months for them to completely ignore it. Having said that, how about that new Gears of War game as a launch title for it?

Barrring that, Microsoft is going to be all about the new Gears of War and Halo 4. Honestly, I couldn't care less about Halo 4 and I'm actually feeling dissapointed that there will be a new Gears game. That series wrapped up wonderfully and I can't help but feel that the new game, even though it is most probably a prequel, is a blatant money grab with not a shred of respect for narrative integrity

We can also expect Microsoft to unveil their replacement for the Zune as well as a host of Kinect related dribble. But whatever they do, expect at least one big surprise. And remember that Microsoft is fantastic at keeping secrets.


Oh Nintendo, what are you doing? With the new Zelda already out I think we can expect two things. Nintendo pushing the 3DS extra hard this year, and trying to explain to us what the Wii-u is now. Nintendo knows they failed miserably at their Wii-U reveal last year and are probably going to do everything they can to make up for it this time around. To their credit, we might actually see some recent titles running in HD on the unit. But, if Nintendo is going to go into next gen with current gen games, it puts them in a pretty terrible position.

We can also probably expect there to be some major changes to the Wii-U this time around, although Nintendo has already stated that the most needed change -a name change- wasn't in the cards. It's too bad. The Wii-U was good for what it was, but for Nintendo to be a next gen contender they are going to have to run away from it as much as possible. Right now the Wii is a ball and chain on the leg of Nintendo, keeping them from moving forward and tarnishing newer tech that they attach to it. They might have held out hope that the 3DS' new brand of 3D might give them the edge, but the handhelds inability to really take off has cast those dreams into dust.

Speaking of which, in their quest to sell the 3DS, expect the new Mercury Steam Castlevania game for the 3DS to take up a big chunk and drive a lot of that hype train. Brad will be less than pleased. If anything, Nintendo will probably also need more than that to get the fire under the 3DS burning, so we might expect some additional functionality being introduced such as new services, or further integration with existing (or future) Nintendo products.


Is not going to be at E3. They just put out the amazing Max Payne 3. Leave them alone.

Doesn't have a booth on the show floor but does have a private room in the side halls by appointment only. What are they showing? Maybe we'll find out.

Hitman will be surprisingly good. Tomb Raider will be surprisingly bad.

Doom 4 is officially announced. Prey 2 isn't shown at all.

Other random thoughts
Dishonored will be really good, but have some big rough edges that need to be worked out. Assassin's Creed III will be like every other Assassins game but with more wigs. An indie game will break out and everyone will be talking about it. 50% of people will hate the developer of said indie game on first glance. The Last of Us will be playable on the show floor.


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    11 years, 11 months ago

    If The Last Guardian is shown I will be a happy camper.

    If not, I have serious doubts that the project will be finished, even though Famito Ueda promised he would fulfil his contract.

    A case of biting off more than you can chew, perhaps?

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    11 years, 11 months ago

    Good predictions Joseph :) The thing I disagree with, is I do think Tomb Raider will be a good game, just perhaps take a Splinter Cell Conviction approach, where its a good game but not a great Tomb Raider but we will see.

    I have to say I am excited for Sony with The Last of Us and the reveal of Quantic Dreams' new game. I am hoping to see some good vita software; now this isn't a prediction but if they announced a proper Ape Escape title (which I think this is unlikely) or Valkyria Chronicles, I would buy one.

    As for the wii-u I am hoping that they have some good 3rd party games, (perhaps gta 5?) as for 1st party, I am already excited to hear that Luigi's Mansion 2 is now coming to both nintendo consoles, but I remain skeptical at the hardware itself, it will be leapfrogged quickly by other next gen hardware.

    I think microsoft could actually hold some great suprises and I really do believe at the end of their conference they will either tease some more GTA V, or even a glimpse at next gen hardware.

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    Aged Milk
    11 years, 11 months ago

    I really want to see Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony make a big push to broaden their online marketplaces, perhaps taking a few queues from Steam. If Sony and Microsoft do try pushing out their new systems with digital only titles or DRM heavy retail variants, then they would at least have the infrastructural to support that kind of move.

    And if we aren't going to be seeing the new systems for another year, aside from the Wii-U, then I think they need to shake things up, Sony at the very least, with a updated XMB or a smoother XB dashboard.

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    11 years, 11 months ago

    I can help but be hype for Nintendo announcing GTA on the Wii U. It may not happen, but dammit I can dream and blame Brad for getting me excited.

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    11 years, 11 months ago

    I'm doubting Sony is even going to mention Vita. It'll get the same treatment as the PSP: absolute silence into oblivion.

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    11 years, 11 months ago

    I'm really excited to see some gameplay on Metal Gear Rising its seems to be shaping up to be another great title from Platinum Games.

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    11 years, 11 months ago
