
In all honestly, we probably spend more time talking about these disgusting jelly beans than we do talking about games on this weeks episode! Carlos is dealt a crappy hand and becomes addicted to toothpaste and dog food. Brad eats baby wipes and Nick chokes on a centipede. In short, all hell breaks loose on this weeks podcast! When games are being discussed, we talk about our impressions of Starhawk and the recent Xbox 360 version of Minecraft! If you like watching people suffer and are not to keen on the whole video game thing, this podcast might be right up your alley!

Podcast 270 - [download]

The Witcher 2 (Carlos/Nick)
Starhawk (Brad/Nick/Carlos)
Minecraft (Carlos/Brad)

Dictate the news we cover on the show by submitting news items to the 4Player Forums!

Link Dump:
Roll On Sushi Diner - For those of you in the Austin area! (Nick's favorite restaurant)
Jelly Belly Beanboozled- The star of the show this week

Follow Us on Twitter
Nick - @Nickh0630
Brad - @FolderBrad
David - @RockLiao
Joseph - @TheJosephChrist
Mike - @mHidalgoPittman
Nolan - @InfamousNolan
Kris - @InspectorKris

Audible Impressions - Mass Effect 3 Spoilercast
Audible Impressions - Xenoblade Chronicles

This week's break music is a remix from Final Fantasy X
'Time Slips Away'- Download Here

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Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed! Don't forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get each show as soon as it releases! As always, thanks from all of us here at 4player!


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    12 years, 8 months ago

    Oh God, I got my friends to try these with me once. One of them got skunk and could taste it for days. Worst I got was the rotten egg.

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    Nick, despite what you think...This was the best podcast ever!

    I don't think I have ever laughed so hard.

    Thanks to J52 for the source materials.

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    Wow this came up quicker than usual and a shorter than your previous podcasts (which is a good thing IMO) keep up the great work.

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    congrats with the worst show ever!

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    Best show ever! :P

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    I dont think brad understands how the Hulk "Hulk's out"...When he said "i'm always angry"
    Means that he always had control over the Hulk during the movie, he messed with black widow when she went to get him and he was fine with tony poking him and making fun of him. He has control...he just hates that everyone tip toes around him.

    The two things that forces the Hulk to come out is Anger and Pain. Loki's plan was to get the Avengers especially The Hulk to kill each other...thats why they were arguing and Banner unknown to him grabbing Loki's staff. When the Helicarrier got attacked Banner got hurt, he changed Unwillingly...Which means he didnt have control, He was basically in "defense mode" i.e. who/what caused hulk pain and defend himself/escape.

    So basically when banner turns because of anger = he has control (or more control) u know talking and what not, but Hulk probably still remembers the fight with Thor...which explains the random punch. When he is forced to change unwillingly= he has no control.

    BTW- brad didnt even watch the captain america movie prior i believe....why does he expect captain to be the leader in this whole movie when he doesnt know the era, the ppl, and what the fuck is going on....He became a leader over time...what did u expect the first time they are in a room together captain goes, "alright im the leader!!! okay what exactly are we doing? whose loki? umm who are u guys? lets go fight!!! Assemble!!!!!" yeah that made sense