Battlefront III is a game that has a storied development history whose probability of release is questionable even today.  It's been seven years since Battlefront II was released and, despite a series of lesser ports and handheld titles, a proper, full sequel has yet to be fully revealed to the public.  Slant Six Games, the studio behind the recent (and abysmal in my opinion) Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, provided a fleeting glance at the cancelled game as files and pieces of code were discovered on the disc for that terrible title just a few weeks ago.  With no currently known developer at the helm for the project other than unconfirmed rumors about Spark Unlimited being the developer the future of the series is questionable.

This doesn't mean that we can't look back at what could have been though.  As is often the case, a laid-off employee will take some assets with him/her and reveal them to the world.  This seems to be the case here.  Uploaded last night, Youtube user Borman18 and owner of showed off some new, unique footage of Free Radical's version of the game from 2008.  The video, which is a very pre-alpha version of the game, shows off the scale of the combat as well as hero characters, vehicle combat, and being able to go into space to fight.  The game looks exceptionally early and there are hundreds of bugs going on but the footage does indeed show a game that stays true to the Battlefront name.

Battlefront III, if it ever arrives, isn't happening anytime soon.  This doesn't mean you shouldn't get your hopes up though.  After all, if Duke Nukem Forever can see release well over a decade after being announced, so can the next iteration in this series.


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    12 years, 11 months ago

    My heart... it weeps. I'll never get over the original leaked alpha footage, that shit looked AMAZING.

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    Aw man.... I played the shit out of the first two games when I was younger and seeing this brings back memories.... That aerial dogfighting looked really nice.

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    Ah, a man can dream...I really hope this game comes to fruition.

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    "Battlefront III, if ever arrives, isn’t happening anytime soon but you shouldn’t get your hopes up." waitwut? is it just me or is that supposed to read differently?

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    This game is having troubled development and might never be released, while Kinect Star Wars gets released and sold to the masses. Really LucasArts? Really?! If we move into the next generation of systems and this game still isn't released or officially announced, I will be very, VERY, disappointed. Star Wars Battlefront 3 has been my most anticipated game since there were rumors about it being developed. I hope it eventually comes out! Preferably on this generation of systems because if the rumors of the next gen are true, I don't think I'll be buying the next Xbox or PlayStation anytime soon after they are released.

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    i dont know i would rather have it at slant six than spark unlimited but i guess legendary was........ okay? (dont even bring up turning point)

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    Fuck this industry to hell and back. A-wings (which I've been in love with since Rogue Squadron for the 64) seamless aerial-battle transitions from planet to space... this would have been an instant purchase for me.... but nnaaah, Star Wars kinect and day one DLC for Mass Effect, that's perfectly fine.

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    I will buy this game if it comes out.

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    They were gonna have space bases on every map. I wanted that for the first and second battlefronts.

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    Wow, didnt see this coming. Thanks for the article by the way!

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    12 years, 11 months ago

    Unless it's using the frostbite 2 engine or the republic camanndo engine. I can't see myself caring.