
Crysis 3 AnnouncementIt seems that game companies themselves are hell-bent on ruining big surprises in the gaming industry. This time, "The Worst Company in America", EA, let a listing for Crysis 3, an as-of-yet unannounced title, hit the EA-Store earlier this week. The listing was pulled shortly thereafter but not before the internet was able to capture a single graphical asset (seen above), depicting a nano-soldier wielding a futuristic crossbow. With an official announcement supposedly coming on April 16th, color me excited. On the other hand, there is one thing that I am reluctant about.

Crysis 2 was among my favorite games of last year thanks to some tight shooting mechanics, beautiful visuals, and its intense depiction of an alien invasion. I really enjoyed the feel of operating the Nanosuit in combat which allowed me to go toe-to-toe with some truly intimidating foes. With the impressive cinematic quality layered on top, I felt like Crysis 2 was an incredibly tight shooter experience that puts the franchise in the same league as something like Halo. However, after going back to play the original Crysis when it released on Xbox Live, I realized that there was something that Crysis 2 was missing; something that now has me worried about the future of the series in Crysis 3.

The original Crysis took place on a fictional island somewhere near the Philipines; a semi open-world that worked in favor of the otherwise standard shooter gameplay. While the world wasn't exactly open in the literal sense, the zones were open enough to promote a true sense of freedom when approaching combat scenarios. The game felt like a cross between Far Cry and Predator thanks to the powerful arsenal and otherworldly abilities. When Crysis 2 came around, the scenery shifted from a literal jungle to one made of concrete. New York City was a welcomed change of scenery for a sequel but it never felt as inspired or as alien as the world in Crysis 1. Which leads me to my point...

We may only have one image to go off but it appears that Crysis 3 might take place in a setting similar to that of Crysis 2. No official details exist yet but a few new abilities and a sweet new bow and arrow wont be enough to satisfy me. Crysis 2 was a beautiful game but it was also a little bit claustrophobic when compared to the original. Unless Crytek can expand the environments or emphasize the verticality to add a layer of depth to combat then consider me unimpressed.

If you have any predictions or opinions about the future of the franchise, share them in the comments below. Cross your fingers for an official announcement and perhaps an announcement trailer on Tuesday!


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    Chris Davis
    12 years, 10 months ago

    Crysis 2 was one of the better games last year. It's singleplayer, while not retaining the open world nature the original was known for, was still a great experience. I still maintain my tag line that many other games have you playing as a supersoldier but in the Crysis series you ARE a supersoldier.

    I really hope Crysis 3 gets more attention than its predecessor did. The multiplayer was very, very good and felt like the perfect bridge between Halo and Call of Duty. Make the environments far bigger and you may even be able to throw a bit of Battlefield into the mix.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    I just finished my 2nd play through of the original Crysis last week and I'm looking to start Crysis 2 for the first time later this week. I fell in love with the game even more my second time. One of the strongest appeals of the first game was playing around with the human ai in a jungle/forest environment, feeling like a badass predator with your cloak and super strength. The latter half of the game with the aliens was cool but not as fun because it just turned the game into a straight up generic shooter. It was immensely satisfying sneaking up on a guy and switching up to speed mode for a short speed burst to jump towards him, switching to super strength in the air and one hit KOing the guy, then switching to cloak mode when you land, all without being detected. Give me more of those moments and not scenarios of boring alien shoot outs.

    From what I've seen of game play trailers, Crysis 2 is all about shooting aliens in a corridor type city setting, which is totally disheartening. I hear a lot of people hate on it because it felt like a step backwards compared to the openness of the first. I feel it would be in Crytek's best interest to bring back that jungle setting with human opponents but judging from these leaked pics... it doesn't look that enticing so far. If they can at least make it open world or semi open world in the city with some verticality like Nick suggests, that would be a definite positive. I just hope the aliens aren't the main enemies for most of the game.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    I wasn't really disappointed with Crysis 2 not being as open-world as the first one. The setting for the two games were different; one being in a city and the other being in a largely jungled island.

    I think the expectation right now is that if a game is centered around a urban environment, then it is probably not open-world. I like the idea of introducing verticality. We are so use to open-world being the expansion of the playing field in the horizontal sense that expanding in the vertical sense might be a fresh and welcome change.

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    Jack Claxton
    12 years, 10 months ago

    Crysis 2 had some of the worst AI I think I've encountered in recent memory. The game was too easy. It had one of those what I like to call 'fuck you' buttons where once pressed, guarantees a kill. You could run up to enemies, tap a button, grab and throw them and they'd die without any kind of hesitation or difficulty.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    That's not a crossbow...

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    Hopefully, Crytek are being clever bastards and doing something akin to the following:
    1 = Jungle
    2 = NYC
    3 = Abandoned/destroyed/overgrown wildlife NYC
    They're taking the jungle, to NYC! The best of both worlds, it's sure to be a beautiful feat.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks for the post nick!