Apparently  Spec Ops: The Line is still very much a thing, and very much coming our way.  If you remember, it was first announced in 2009 as a gritty third-person shooter and revealed at E3 2010 with a trailer. Then...nothing.

Today, 2k has ended the silence with a bunch of new screens, and the game doesn't really seem to be your run-of-the-mill SOCOM clone either. Rather, it appears to be dripping in a lot more personality than was found in Zipper Interactive's SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs, which was way too dry for its own good. Instead, Spec Ops: The Line has a more action-movie aesthetic which I think will compliment the third-person shooter gameplay well.

The game is also set in Dubai, a place rich in color and interesting architecture, and it seems like the game is starting to make good use of that backdrop. Check out the screens below, as well as the E3 2010 trailer for the game.

E3 2010 Trailer:


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    12 years, 3 months ago

    I called this shit, man. I love the way this game is heading, even if shooter fatigue has been settling within me the last couple of years. It just looks plain cool, and I recall hearing about the sand being a sort of.. natural creep, slowly reclaiming the territory that humanity stole from the earth. It's pretty creepy.

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    I've been pumped for this game since the reveal trailer. The atmosphere is perfect, and it is not nearly as visually bland as I thought it could end up. I was hoping that the environment would show flashes of color beyond the grey and brown that dominates the gaming landscape these days, and it seems that they are doing their best to break up the monotony. This game has a lot of potential and if it keeps on this track, could be one of the best titles of the last few years.

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    After a while I kinda forgot this game even existed. It was always one of those things where I remembered the name but nothing about it and figured it just kind of disappeared into the ether.

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    I read a preview on 1up in which the author states that the game contains Morality choices: Like not shooting a prisoner. Interesting stuff.

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    Neon Vanguard
    12 years, 3 months ago

    Hello, Spec Ops. It's been too long.

    *Spins around in spinny chair*

    I was wondering where you would draw... *Sunglasses*... the line.