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Capcom has a storied history of "lost" games, titles that get plenty of publicity only to never be released. This happens all the time throughout the industry but few are more storied than several of Capcom's endeavors. Among these missing links stands a title that was both incredulous for its time as well as astonishing for the depth of its undertaking: Resident Evil for the Game Boy Color. Rather than a custom-made port that had little to do with the original version of the game, the GBC version of the game was an actual straight port, shrinking everything about the game down to the limitations of the handheld system and maintaining almost everything people loved to be scared about. Near the completion of the project however Capcom cancelled it, telling developer HotGen that the quality would not match up to what consumers would expect of it. The game's development was shut down and never entered manufacturing, lost to history...
...Until last week. Back in November a member of the Assembler Games forums made a post saying that a person wishing to remain anonymous owned two builds of Resident Evil and that he was willing to release the Roms. Kiff (the user in question) said that the unidentified person was willing to do so if $2,000 could be raised by February 28th of this year. It took a while but after receiving some publicity last week the goal was finally met, at which the Roms were made available to download.
You can download the Roms as well as view more screenshots of the game at the link below. The roms are actually two separate builds of the game and are riddled with bugs. It also looks just as terrible as you can imagine it being but that's not the point of this exercise. With the builds being >90% complete this is the most definitive chance you'll ever have of ever seeing what that insane English developer nearly accomplished. It wouldn't surprise me if some dedicated mod team decided to see about completing the game. After all, we've seen larger efforts than this completed...
13 years, 1 month ago
I never knew that was even possible.
Cut-scenes too!?
13 years, 1 month ago
I remember hearing about this back in the day. I'm sure for all its ambition it would have been such a mess to play (how the hell do you play RE with two buttons?). Though it sounds to me like the guy who owned the ROMs must have been hurting for money and kinda extorted the $2000 out of the public.
13 years, 1 month ago
That is pretty amazing. I look forward to the modding community to see what they will accomplish here. Good read as well Chris. Thank you.
13 years, 1 month ago
It does seem interesting to see what they could have done with it on Gameboy colour but from looking at the screenshots i can see why capcom pulled the plug on it.
13 years, 1 month ago
Huh, that's weird. I thought I saw gameplay for this on youtube a year or two ago...although it looked completely different, so I guess it was just some weird torrent.
13 years, 1 month ago
Damn, interesting. I remember that other Resident Evil on GBC... Gaiden, where you play as Barry I believe. The fact that I paid $30 for it 10 years ago still gives me nightmares.