A new development trailer for Max Payne 3 has been released. The developer diary goes into detail on some of the finer gameplay mechanics during firefights as well as demonstrating weapon combinations, targeting and more. For the record, the cover system you see occasionally has been confirmed to be completely optional and is in no way forced upon the gamer to use. However, it looks very functional and looks like it will prove very useful.

Being a self-proclaimed Max Payne aficionado, I was initially concerned about the game conforming to an 'over the shoulder' mechanic for shooting, but after seeing it in action I firmly believe it will work. The only thing that I have an issue with is the weapon wheel used to change your loadout. Also be sure to pay attention to the mocap work that's gone into making some of the character animations.

I must also give recognition to Rockstar Games for doing these short Developer Diaries. I liked watching the ones for L.A Noire and I hope this is a trend we'll continue to see with future products. Max Payne 3 is my most anticipated game of 2012 and I cannot put into words how excited I am to slip back into the shoes of (one of) the most badass characters in gaming and start throwing lead around. Judging from the media we've seen, the game is shaping up brilliantly and we're all looking forward to that May 15th release date. Although why the PC version is being released a week or two after the console release still baffles me...

Check it out, let us know what you about the game. Will you be buying it? Let us know your opinions by leaving a comment below! 


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    12 years, 3 months ago

    This game is beginning to have the same impression on me as Killzone 2 did. I was totally pumped to see some of the great innovation in a genre that desperately needed it from the trailers, yet only to be slightly disappointed in execution, but what makes this a different case is the fact that fundamental aspects of these games are also being improved in Max Payne, such as animation.
    I'm also excited to see how rockstar as a developer will improve in 3rd person shooting mechanics, because I would love to see some of this talent in GTAV.

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    Yep, looks like Max Payne game.

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    I am now kind of excited for this game. The levels definitely do not look like they require you to use cover but it would help for certain situations. One thing I'm worried about though is the little cinematic when you kill the last people in the area, (at least thats what it seems to me, hopefully its only there for the trailers) I could see it becoming really annoying.

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    Looks really good, can't wait to see if Rockstar can live up to Remedy's amazing series

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    I really liked Max Payne 1 and 2. (1 more though for story.) Gameplay-wise it seems very faithful to Max Payne and easier than 1 since you slow down a lot while in the air. Although, apparently you can't hold the giant amount of guns that you could in 1 and 2 which is sad. I also wonder if they'll do that thing where they take away your weapons every act or so. I can't imagine this game having the comic cut-scenes that 1 and 2 did which I loved, and Max's shaved head design looks ugly to me. I hope the story's good as 1 though.

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    Neon Vanguard
    12 years, 3 months ago

    I'll give it a...



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    12 years, 3 months ago

    Looks cool. I'll be watching more of these developer diaries. Keep it up Jack!

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    I came when I saw the melee attack at the end. In all seriousness though I can't wait till this game is released. Hopefully it will fulfill that all my expectations. Especially because I've been in love with the series ever since I was eight.

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    It's Payne!

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    Looks really good... As long as RockStar make a new cover system for this game. The 'R1 to take cover' system in GTA and Red Dead is a little sticky for a fast paced game like this.

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    Well looks like they got the fighting right.. lets just hope they dont screw up the atmosphere

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    The narrator is obviously overstating everything, but this still looks to be a great game. One thing that may get annoying is the three weapon limitation, though.