Rockstar has released what may be the most in-depth La Noire trailer yet, describing the career ranking process and showing more open-world gameplay. Honestly, I still have major reservations for this game but I will relent that there are certain aspects of it that I'm very excited about.  Those very GTA IV segments being the former but those investigation parts being the latter.


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    13 years ago

    With the narrator, does anyone else think they were actively going for something like a History Channel-style documentary?

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    13 years ago

    The narrator kind of sucks, and I feel like they reveal too much in this trailer. But the animation looks fantastic.

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    Neon Vanguard
    13 years ago

    Not a fan of the time period, but a chance to be a cop again after the taste Condemned: Bloodshot gave me is good enough.

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    13 years ago

    I sort have a cookie cutter expectation for rockstar, perhaps unfairly, but the story looks good even to someone who isnt typically interested in the genre. I also enjoy the nature of open worlds 'screw around factor' which looks like it wont play a large part in this game /if/ its done right imo. As long as they nail the gameplay outside central plot i think it could be great, though i am a bit apprehensive about fisticuffs, and random tangential crap that sandbox tends to allow, in that way it seems like it posses a lot less sandbox value than something like RDR.

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    Aged Milk
    13 years ago

    I'm not a very big fan of how Rockstar narrates their trailers. It was annoying in RDR and it's still annoying now.

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    13 years ago

    The investigative and interrogation scenes seems quite rad. Hopefully they take up most of the game and the "action-y" bits take a back seat.

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    13 years ago

    Nothing wrong with the narrator, I thought. He seems very strategically chosen to fit the time period of the game. Speaking of which, the time period is awesome. I have high expectations for this game, but I doubt there will be very many open world shenanigans like with GTAIV, since you're a cop. Shoot a civilian and you'll probably get in a lot of trouble.

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    13 years ago

    Gameplay looks solid, and the graphics/animation is beautiful.

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    13 years ago

    this will be my birthday present to myself. I'm excited to play this, it looks great!

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    12 years, 12 months ago

    Wait, is there going to have multiplayer???