How much faith does Microsoft have that Kinect will sell?  I bet they have more faith than you do, and that faith comes with a 500 million dollar price tag.  The New York Post has a story out today detailing some of the launch specifics and they are grandiose indeed.

"Kinect is the largest, most integrated marketing initiative in Xbox history, bigger than its launch," said Robert Matthews, general manager of global marketing communications for Xbox. "We are going to be spending millions to launch this globally."

And what does 500 million buy you? Apparently it buys advertising space with Burger King, Pepsi, Kellogg cereal, youtube, Nickelodeon and various Disney entities.  Thats right. In less than a few months you aren't going to be able to spit without your globular wad hitting something with a Kinect plastered on it.

TV spots, created by AgencyTwoFifteen, will pop up on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" next Monday and on Fox's "Glee."

The print ad buy includes titles such as "People" and "InStyle," among others. Microsoft's Xbox team is also organizing a major outdoor event in Times Square, where many of the huge billboards will show Kinect ads.
Apparently Stephen Spielberg has also played a big role in planning all of this out. A plan that started some 18 months ago when we all still new Kinect as 'Project Natal" and had not yet had our eyes seared out by twirling acrobats.

Seeing as Microsoft is expecting to sell 3 million of these suckers (to suckers) this holiday season it seems they are willing to break even or lose money doing so in the short term.

But 500 million dollars people. 500 million.

Kinect marketing to hit $500 million (computers and video games via The New York Post)


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    Greg the Keg
    13 years, 6 months ago

    That video's priceless. The kid in the orange just turns around like "...'the fuck are you doing?"

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    In this video, this is how I feel Microsoft is when it comes to money

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    500 million dollars that probably could have made Xbox Live free for everyone for a year, allow Valve to put their stuff up for free, so on.

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    Tommy Testosterone
    13 years, 6 months ago

    I bet each and every one of you here want to get all of these awesome launch games for the Kinect! Are you excited? I sure am! Now excuse me while I go and pour bleach on to my eyes because that is more fun than any of this shit Kinect can offer.

    Dance Central is the only game that can be considered as something.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    So I wonder if the kinect will have a hardware problem equal to the RRoD?

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Wonder how much it would cost to just play the video as an ad.

    Would be worth it.

    /me nods.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    When we all first heard about kinect. I think it was safe to say we all pretty much thought this thing would BOMB horribly on its release. Only until recently, when I've heard about how all these celebrities (Justin Bieber, Ryan Seacrest), major companies(which are pretty much included in peoples everyday lives) and show hosts (Oprah, Ellen) are going to be pretty much shoving this hardware down peoples Pharynges. I've become VERY worried about how goddamn well this thing is going to sell, regardless if it actually works, and what it means for the future.

    Until I see something worth raising an eyebrow over(and no, Dance Central is not worthy of that eyebrow raise), I will remain thinking that Kinect is an unresponsive MESS that requires WAY too many requirements from your space of living in order to even work.

    Don't Microsoft care that they have one confirmed exclusive for next year for the 360, while the PS3 has 11 confirmed exclusives? 500 million could have been used on more reliable hardware and acquiring fist party studio's / investing in first party games.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    They are going to need it.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Microsoft someone bought they're way to making people want to buy the Kinect.

    I don't know if I should be impressed or scared.

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    Aged Milk
    13 years, 6 months ago

    That seems like an awful lot of money to be banking on what's practically the gaming equivalent off the 3D fad. Especially given the fact that it sounds like most of it's target audience wouldn't already own 360s.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    As much as I don't like Kinect, as much as I don't think it is worth this 500 million spent on it, it will probably end up selling.

    Lets back up a second, the move has been released and the estimated sales figures weren't great, the were 300k in the US, but it did make 1.5 million in Europe. The thing is this stuff sells in the UK, I have been in stores a few times hearing people place their pre-orders for Kinect.

    Yes the video proves how stupid Kinect is, but it will sell because its the thing a child wants for Christmas this year from seeing an advert, it is also seen as the most 'unique' motion 'controller'. This thing will easily make at least 2 million sales in Europe, so I think they could make it. It is a good business strategy.

    Do I like this? Not really, but there are a lot of people that will by it in the UK alone, I would like to say 'don't buy it', but the sad truth is Microsoft may have struck gold with this.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    For some reason I imaging Microsoft going bankrupt over this, but they have too much so they probably can't.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Why would it sell? It might move a couple million units. But it will NOT make up for the cost to develop/market/sell the thing.

    Especially considering we're in the Great Depression 2.0.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    The whole idea behind Kinect is good, they just need real games. The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout won't entertain me an my gay boyfriend for too long.
    I don't understand why people want this to fail so badly. New technology is good for the industry.

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    Henry Chan
    13 years, 6 months ago

    Man that's insane for advertising cost. Someone's getting fired.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Kinect fail? isn't that title redundant?

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Glee? Dancing with the Stars?

    People? InStyle?

    They are going to TOTALLY monopolize the annoying highschool girl market.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    For the life of me I just cannot understand why they want this to succeed so bad. Do they not realize that motion control is NOT the future of videogames? I want a Kinect for my television. I never need a remote, I can just use my hand to switch channels, to play or stop a movie. Put all your money in that Microsoft. I'd buy that.

    Having frantic movement completely detaches yourself from any thought process you need to play a game like CoD or Portal. Its no longer about who has the most skill and patience/coordination and quick thinking, it is now about who can drink the most Red Bull and flail there arms fast enough.

    No, I will not buy this. I want to have something fun that will last, not some useless gimmick