We all saw this coming. It has been rumored for quite awhile and it's one of those rumors that everyone and their grandma prays comes true. The internet can dispute the new DMC reboot all they want but try and tell me that the Team Ico remaster disc is a bad idea... if you do, i'll punch you in the nuts.

This years TGS is proving to be quite the show as opposed to the last two years. Sony has officially announced that two of the most treasured PS2 titles, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, will be remastered in glorious HD and released on a single blu-ray compilation disc in 2011. Below are a few of wonderful screens for you drool over. It has been confirmed that the two titles will run at a smooth 30 FPS and are currently in the process of being retextured to ensure the best quality possible.

On the other hand, I am a bit taken aback by Sony's decision to ship this product in 3D. While it is an optional display mode, players will have a chance to throw on those sexy 3D glasses. Like most 3D releases, I consider it to be unnecessary and innappropriate for such a mature title (notice the context in which I use Mature). If I could go back and stop James Cameron from shooting Avatar in 3D, I would.

Lastly, and perhaps the most exciting bit of news, it was announced that the Japanese/European ending of Shadow of the Colossus, which differed from the US version, will become the official ending and be included on the disc. I was hoping that they would include something besides besides a shiny coat of paint to convince me to play through that game again.

**Correction- Thanks for pointing out my mistake, I meant to say 30 FPS, not 60. Retexturing confirmed by Kotaku.


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    13 years, 7 months ago

    honestly i was a little afraid that when remastered, the games would look a lot worse but looking at those pictures, it looks a lot clearer and im really surprised with the detail for ico. i never got to play through the games before but i want to. this will be a good way to finally play them and not have to pay a lot for ico.

    Now if only they could do the same for all of clovers games. imagine godhand remastered or viewtiful joe and okami like that?

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    Very exciting. The only complaint I ever had regarding SotC were it's graphics, being a little polygony at times. Looks great.

    Also, the US version had an alternate ending? I wasn't aware of it, and can't seem to find the different endings on Youtube.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    Joseph, remaking those games is a terrible idea....I'm totally joking >_>

    I was hoping they would remake them, only cause I cant find Ico ANYWHERE, but now, I can play it in HD. :D

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    Greg the Keg
    13 years, 7 months ago

    Wait, if it's shipped in 3D, what does that mean in terms of price? Because if it's more than $40 - the release price of the GOW Collection - because they chose a format that most people won't even be able to (or even want to) take advantage of, then that's bullshit.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    It was the ending of ICO that was different in the Japanese/European release compared to the US version.

    Jap/Eu has the watermelon scene in the end. US version does not.


    Oh and, yeah I blew like fifteen loads in a row upon hearing about this finally happening. I can't wait to replay these games. Ueda is genius and he deserves free handjobs everytime he enters a room. That and a Nobel prize for sheer brilliance and awesomeness.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    Now- this is very exciting news! I, sadly, never got my hands on Ico but SotC I did and absolutely adored every minute of it. This along with The Last Guardian news is very exciting. :)

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    Shit Eating Troll
    13 years, 7 months ago

    "It has been confirmed that the two titles will run at a smooth 60 FPS and are currently in the process of being retextured to ensure the best quality possible."

    Confirmed by who?

    PSBlog had a reply that said

    "Sid Shuman | September 15th, 2010 at 11:52 pm

    “Solid 30 frames per second” was the quote from the keynote (I’m here right now!). Makes a big different when you see it in action"

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    Having never played either of these games im extremely excited for this release. If sony would release MGS 1,2,3 in HD I would be the happiest man on the planet.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    normally I would be uninterested in PS2 re-releases but proof that 4PP spreads word on good games (and bad games) I am excited as hell to pick this up.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    I played the demo of Ico a few years ago and couldn't get into it. I bought Shadow of the Colossus last year and couldn't get into it, either. If this is cheap I might pick it up and give them a second chance.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    This is so incredibly exciting. Shadow of the Colossus is one of my all time favorite games. I can't wait for this to release and give me a another fantastic reason to play through it yet again. I have never had the good fortune to play through Ico, so to have this rare title easily accessible is going to be amazing.
    I'm so excited!

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    I always were a huge Team ICO fan. I loved both the games, and I'm now considering to buy a PS# just for the case of ICO, Shadow Of The Colossus and The Last Guardian.