Acclaim was pronounced dead on Thursday, August 26th 2010. It leaves behind only Playdom and Disney Interactive who have swiftly cannibalized its rotting and dessicated corpse.  Cause of death is listed as piss-poor management, obtuse and damaging marketing, and over-extension.

Begun in 1987,  Acclaim is credited with bringing us some of the best known titles in gaming. Turok, Burnout, Crazy Taxi, and Mortal Kombat are just to name a few.  But it also brought more infamous titles as well. BMX XXX might be the best known of them.  It was released at a time when Acclaim was in serious trouble and it featured sex and nudity mixed with BMX bike racing. It was roundly received as being both awful and of bad taste, and was even disowned by Dave Mirra himself who's name and likeness was used on earlier Acclaim BMX titles.

[caption id="attachment_8872" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="BMX XXX. Acclaim's finest moment."][/caption]

It's been a slow, drawn out death for Acclaim.  They've had troubles since 2001 and filed for bankruptcy for the first time in 2004.  In 2005 Activision swooped in, purchased the Acclaim name and resurrected it under the name Acclaim Games where it focused on smaller online-based titles.  But this was really nothing more than putting the corpse on life support.  It reminds me of the movie Day of the Dead where the Doctor, called Dr. Frakenstein in the movie, has the zombies hooked up to all sorts of machines so that he is able to study them.  Acclaim ended up in that condition but instead of eating flesh and generally being fucking awesome, they just made shitty games.

[caption id="attachment_8873" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="This guy ended up being much cooler than Acclaim"][/caption]

So there we have it, the end of another era.   Farewell acclaim.  Without you we wouldn't have the Turok series to make fun of Nick Henderson for. We would never scream out "FINISH HIM!" at the end of any fight, and our taxi's would just seem a little less crazy.



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    Victus Unus
    14 years, 6 months ago

    Somewhere in Austin, a certain short fellow is weeping.

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    14 years, 6 months ago

    Wow, I didn't even realize they were still around at this point. Good night, sweet prince.

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    14 years, 6 months ago

    At least burnout survives.

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    14 years, 6 months ago

    RIP. I had some fun with those old Akklaim games. I played the hell out of those old South Park games, especially Chef's Luv Shack. I'm not going to miss those wrestling games though.

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    14 years, 6 months ago

    I was never much into many Acclaim IPs. Burnout yes, and I played Turok 1 to death as a young'un as well... But on the whole, its been a long time coming. Toodle loo Acclaim, here's hoping your death taught someone a lesson.

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    14 years, 6 months ago

    Its sad when a gaming company's life is cut short eg (GRIN) but Acclaim had a good run and made their mark on the world of video games.

    We hardly knew ya
    / \
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    14 years, 6 months ago

    Gone but never forgoten i will never forget turok and the other awsome games they were a part of LONG LIVE ACCLAIM!!!

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    14 years, 6 months ago

    didn't acclaim also make GUTS the video game for SNES? They seemed to make fun games no matter hat it was. maybe not great games, but they were fun.

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    14 years, 6 months ago

    BMX XXX is GOTY all Y. What are you talking about?

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    14 years, 6 months ago

    May Acclaim rest in peace

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    Darth Hid3ous
    14 years, 6 months ago

    Acclaim is my favorite devs of the early 3d gaming generation. Mostly for the N64 games. They developed several of my favorite games on that system.

    Thanks for the memories, Acclaim. Thanks for Turok and Forsaken, Shadowman and Mortal Kombat. Thanks for the long hours of gaming you provided for me and my friends.

    Rest in Peace

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    14 years, 6 months ago

    I actually played 9Dragons game from the last years of the resurected company, a pretty nice MMORPG, kind of like Jade Empire in MMORPG form.
    Apparently 9Dragons is the only one that was picked up by GamersFirst.