You haven't played Mount & Blade...lets get that out of the way right now.  And really I can't blame you completely. Its a non-Blizzard, non-Valve PC game, developed by a Turkish developer and is a medieval single player action adventure game with no fantasy elements at all.

But if you like living history and historically feeling (sword and shield) battles with both first person and RTS elements, then this might just be a game for you. The first Mount & Blade is also available on Steam...and has been since September 2008.

Mount & Blade: Warband is now on the horizon. Not only can you get in the beta, but hit the jump and you can see a new trailer of the next installment.  You can buy the game here, which also gets you into the Beta. I'm sure I'll have more to add concerning this woefully under appreciated title in the near future.


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    14 years, 11 months ago

    0__0 Holy shit, that looked awesome. I am definitely gonna get this game.

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    14 years, 11 months ago

    I love Mount and Blade, to me the combat is super satisfying which makes up for its lack of polish (it was made by 2 people iirc). If anyone wants to give it a try there is a great demo that lets you do whatever you want until you reach level 7. That said I'm not really sure if what they are adding to warband is enough to get me to buy it again. Multiplayer seems like it could be frustrating in this game, but who knows, it could also be great.

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    14 years, 11 months ago

    See, I almost bought this game, but the shoddy animations and ridiculously outdated graphics basically turned me off completely.

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    14 years, 11 months ago

    the picture is deceptive.

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    14 years, 11 months ago

    <_< Graphics dont make the game.

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    14 years, 11 months ago

    Man I love Mount&Blade its one of my favourite games ever!

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    14 years, 11 months ago

    I was always interested in giving Mount & Blade a try, many people who have played it and come off it being positive, with a 'flaw' which is pretty much universally agreed, too bad my computer was barely able to run the trailer, let alone the game :(

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    14 years, 11 months ago

    F*@3in' right joseph, represent.

    Love this game. best thing is tweaking it to your desired playstyle is easy. (like my game where when I have my troops garrisoned in castles they cost nothing)

    Love the fact they went with art for title screens and transitions instead of cheesy cinematics. I'll take Ganbat's art over poorly acted scenes any day.

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    14 years, 11 months ago

    Yep, played that one, was pretty hard but kind of cool for its time

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    14 years, 11 months ago

    I actually did play Mount & Blade. And I didn't like it too much. But that was probably because I refused to play it any more when I discovered that Windowed Mode didn't work properly.

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    14 years, 11 months ago

    I love mount and blade. Can't remember where I stumbled upon it but after spending a while on the demo I released how interesting it was. The graphics aren't exactly groundbreaking but there is something about the combat and the freedom that is really interesting. And it looks fairly nice in motion, especially leading a charge against a swarm of enemies.

    I remember fleeing on horseback under arrow fire with my shield slung on my back and seeing an arrow strike home in it, and in the combat information text it came up that I had blocked that attack. Moments like that made me realise just how very immersive the game can be, and how very responsive the combat is.

    Couched Lance strikes on horseback are also rather satisfying :) Though I did once unknowingly hit the king with one in a jousting contest. Probably not the best way to meet your liege by sending him flying into the air off his horse at high speed O_o hehe

    I was disappointed by the eventual restrictive nature of only being handed a random town and a castle and not really doing much with them beyond some upgrades. You can't go as far as vying to be a king yourself or truly kill any of the various lords and rulers. Though mods did alleviate such things by increasing the frequency of conflict between nations and letting you rebel and go after the throne yourself, etc.

    I am looking forward to warband especially given some of the improvements they have announced were things I had wished would be present in the original :)